On Arial camp the scenes are quite different compared to Harald camp. 

The papnoticon priest and bishops that followed the army, spent time in singing the Sacred Songs, reading litanies and prayers, chanting anthems, and in other similar acts of worship, assisted by the soldiers, who gathered, in great congregations, for this wild worship, in the open spaces among the tents and around the camp fires. 

It produced a calming effect and tranquility and peace for the soldiers for the great undertaking that is upon them now.

At length as the night grew darker and Dark Things sang their song in the wilds, they all retired to rest, feeling an additional sense of safety in respect to the work of the morrow by having, as they supposed, entitled themselves, by their piety, to the protection of Heaven.

Arial on the other hand that night after leading his horse to the stables take a little walk onto the grass pasture near their tent.