Asrana (1)

A man can be seen flipping through pages of books. He looks at the book with great concentration.

Then the man sighed. The man is none other than the Emperor of Eden, Emperor Arial Vermont. 

There is nothing in the Imperial studies about Asrana. 

He has searched and read every book for even a trace or some footnotes about Asrana but he found nothing.

He is tempted to call Paul but Paul is in the Holy Land trying to gain Papnoticon highest Seat, the Supreme Papnoticon.

And he also has his cold war with the Empress. The Empress by his mother approval has taken seat with her host at one of the castle in the Palace.

After all, the Vermont Palace is large and have many castles and villas. One might not believe if Arial say to them a few years ago, this place where he erected his palace was a desolate place.

Arial was in his studies sitting in his chair, doing nothing, when the messenger informed him of Mikael arrival.