Old Fox And The Snake (2)

 'Stay as long as you want, milord' the owner said and he return to the first floor to leave the lord with his thoughts.

The only one present inside the restaurant is the owner and his staff and this enigmatic young man. 

Restaurant is a Vanguan concept. 

Arrandians could not believe of course that Vanguan have an idea that would impress them.

Restaurant provided food, but high class food not found in taverns or inns. 

Only the nobles and merchant prince could dine in such places. Restaurant was first made in the King of Vangua palaces following one of the many cultures of the first Generations. 

To Arrandy, when they were undergoing much development culturally, ideologically, economically, and militarily during the rise of the Vermont's, the Vanguans was still divided among the nobles lord. 

So they were looked down upon by the scholars of Arrandy.