Red Sealed People I

He nodded to himself as he thought to see his soldiers.

He could also see if there is anything that they need or complaints that they have. If time allowed it, he would form rapport with them

Arial realizes that the army in the thirteen Tribe is easier to command than the soldiers of his Empire 

This is because in his Empire, Arial had to instill loyalty to them, form rapport with them and so on and so forth.

As for the tribes, they were simpler in conduct. Those who could lead them to victory, they would follow the orders of such general unconditionally.

However, if the general is weak, unable to secure victory, then mutiny is not only possible, it is inevitable.

At least, in the Empire, one could not just change their general according to their mood. They must impeach them to the Imperial Court and when it was investigated and the accusation is true, then the Emperor would make the decision either to impeach or not.