The Promise of Miracles I

That is why today, out of all days, she seems to be paying attention to the people coming toward this part of the Wall.

She felt their sorrows. She felt their sadness and she felt all the stormy emotions that they have.

'It's understandable' she thought to herself. 

This divine being seems to be very understanding of humans. 

Not many divine beings could say such a thing. 

Of course, there are deities that helped humans but their help did not come from a feeling of pure good

They felt pity. 

And not the good kind of pity. 

It is like looking at a beaten dog and throwing some bones and leftover food so that the dog would not be too pitiful. 

That is what most deities and divine beings in the past had done toward humans. 

They were more interested in playing around with the fate of humans.

Maybe that is why they were punished more heavily when the tribulation descends.