John 8:31-47

* Jesus and Abraham

- To those who believed in Jesus, what did He said to them? [8:31-32]

Without looking in the Bible, quote this passages and explain in your own words.

Answer: To those who believed in Jesus, they abide in His teachings. The truth shall set them free.

- Jesus' opponents claims that they are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. Yet Jesus said they are slaves. Why?

Answer: Everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.

- Who is Jesus referring to as their father in verse 38?

Answer: Abraham is their father.  God the Father is His father.

- The Jews were claiming 2 persons as their father, who are they? But Jesus reveals to them their true father, who is he? And why? [8:39-47][summarise your answer in your own words, do not just copy and paste!]

Answer: He said Abraham did not do anything to kill him.  Therefore their father is their own father, not Abraham..  because Abraham abide in His faith with God's covenant.

What did you learn today?

Answer: He said Abraham did not do anything to kill him.  Therefore their father is their own father, not Abraham..  because Abraham abide in His faith with God's covenant.