Revelation 19:10

* Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon's Fall

1. What was the 3-fold Hallelujah the great multitude in heaven is shouting?

Answer: the body of the Great Prostitute is burning

2. Why did God condemn the great prostitute?

Answer: The Great Prostitute murdered God's servant that is why God made her pay.

3. What characteristic of God was described in verse 1?

Answer: God's judgement is honest and fair.

4. What given the bride to wear?

Answer: A wedding dress made of pure shining linen.

5. What does fine linen stand for?

Answer: Fine linen stands for good thing that God's people had done.

6. Who is the bride?

Answer: Angel or God's servant.

7. Read verse 9-10, what lesson can you learn from this verses?

Answer: We should not worship God's servant because we are all God's servants. We should worship one God.

What verse made an impact to you today?

8.The verse that made an impact to me is The verse, "Everyone who tells about Jesus does it by the power of Holy Spirit."