Dealing With Wu Bai Part One

Wu Shuyu stood in front of the mirror for a good while. She even stripped down to her birthday suit to get a good look at all her injuries. There were many whip marks on her arms and legs as well as marks her back. It seemed that Wu Mei really did a number on this body. Although they were painful Wu Shuyu was still able to bear this bit of pain. It was nothing compared to the training she went through to learn some of her martial arts. After a quick inspection, Wu Shuyu put her robes back on and was about to go back and lay down when she heard someone shouting outside.

"Wu Shuyu get out here now!" Found the memories in her head Wu Shuyu was sure this was Wu Bai, second daughter of a concubine or her dear Second Sister. From what she knew, Wu Bai was only at the first stage of Body Refinement. Since that was the case Wu Shuyu decided to check and see how much stronger a first stage Body Refinement expert really was.

"Young Miss!" It seemed that Wu Bai's yelling had woken up Wu Shuyu's dear cute little Ming'er.

"It's fine Ming'er go back to sleep. Your Young Miss will take care of the bitch outside." Wu Shuyu gave Qin Ming a smile before exiting the room not waiting for an answer. Wing Ming watched her young miss go outside and became even more worried!

Outside in this so-called courtyard, Wu Shuyu frowned as it seemed to be more of a wasteland than a courtyard. The whole courtyard was filled with dead plants. Well, Wu Shuyu kind of expected this sightseeing how the inside was old and run down too. In the entrance to Wu Shuyu's courtyard where the door should have been, it seemed to have been ripped down long ago. Stood a tall seventeen-year-old girl. She was the second daughter born from a concubine, Wu Shuyu's Second Sister Wu Bai. Wu Bai had bad talent and was only at the first stage of Body Refinement. She was the main culprit for a lot of the old Wu Shuyu's torment. It seemed Wu Bai had a superiority complex that she could only show towards the old Wu Shuyu. Since Wu Shuyu was trash and could not cultivate. But this did not mean anything now that the old Wu Shuyu was gone and the new Wu Shuyu had taken over the body.

Wu Shuyu looked over at Wu Bai and sneered. Wu Shuyu could tell just from the way this girl walked that she had no idea how to fight. She probably only had the old Wu Shuyu to beat up since the poor girl could not fight back. After letting out a long sigh Wu Shuyu said: "Wu Bai you called me out here if you got nothing to say please go back. I do not have time to entertain you today."

"Wu Shuyu! You dare speak to me like that!? Are you not afraid of me beating you to death here and now?" Wu Shuyu smiled inwardly her words seemed to have made Wu Bai mad. This was exactly what she was hoping for. But Wu Shuyu couldn't help but think: ' Couldn't Wu Bai come up with some better lines? She sounds like an old villain!'

"If I was afraid, would I be standing here right now? Wu Bai if you have the guts to step forward then step forward. Otherwise, get the hell out of my courtyard I got no time to be dealing with a squealing pig." Wu Shuyu shook her hand in a shooing motion at WU Bai. Wu Bai's face was turning red with anger. Even Wu Bai's little maids were glaring at Wu Shuyu as if they wanted to rip her into a million pieces. Wu Shuyu did want to ask is all girls in this world cute? Her reasoning? Well, all the girls she had met so far were very cute girls. Wu Shuyu did find it a pity that they are all her enemy right now or she would try to cuddle with them…

"You! Wu Shuyu! You..." Before she got to finish what she was saying Wu Shuyu made sure to interrupt her.

"Wu Bai you keep saying my name over and over. Are you having weird feelings about me? I'm sorry I like to cuddle cute girls but nothing more. So please push your feelings deep down into your heart." Just seeing Wu Bai's face turn purple with anger was making Wu Shuyu happy.

"Wu Shuy..." And once again Wu Shuyu made sure to interrupt her.

"AH! Dear Second Sister! I said it already! I can not accept your feelings. The most I can do is give you a hug out of sisterly love but anything more than that. Otherwise, it would be going against what I stand for. I'm sure Second Sister would not want me to have to go against my own morals. I know that I am pretty and that all under the heavens want me to be there one and only but I can only be with one man. I only cuddle cute girls and nothing more. If you want I can cuddle with your cute maids there and warm them up with my body heat and you can then hug them and pretend that you are hugging me. It might not be the same but at least you can feel some of my body heat. Oh, how I wish we were not related and you were a man then we could become a couple and live a happy life together. But unfortunately my dear Second Sister we are of the same gender and also of one family." After Wu Shuyu finished her rant she noticed that both of Wu Bai's maids were struck dumb with their mouths open wide enough to fit an egg in. While Wu Bai was panting heavily with veins popping out of her head. Well for a seventeen-year-old girl in this era, how could she ever outmatch Wu Shuyu who lived in the twenty-first century with words. Not to mention that Wu Shuyu was utterly shameless to a degree that went beyond shameless.

"You! You! Wu Shuyu I am going to beat you to death!" After shouting once again she charged at right at Wu Shuyu.