No Money? Swindle Some!

Right now Wu Shuyu was currently furrowing her brow. She had already read five cultivation methods and tried each of them based on what was written inside. Each time she would end up in extreme pain for some unknown reason. From what Wu Shuyu could tell she seemed to be doing everything correctly. She had followed each of the five cultivation methods to the word and was able to feel the spiritual qi in the air but as soon as it entered her body she was hit with wave after wave of extreme pain! You could say that saying "it fucking hurt!" was an understatement. It felt as if the cells in her body are being ripped out all at once. Which made this a huge problem! The world Wu Shuyu was reborn into was a world where strength was the law! If one were strong they could do as they pleased. If one were weak they were basically beaten up every day. This was just that kind of world! But WU Shuyu was not completely disappointed by the results. The pain she was feeling at least told her that something was wrong with this body.

It was at a time like this Wu Shuyu wished she had one of those little men that were hidden in some heavenly treasure that somehow fused together within her body. But then again she did not want some old pedo perverted ghost or human form creature looking at her while she went to the bathroom or when she was in the bath. That kind of thing just gives her the creeps! That all aside Wu Shuyu knew her main goal right now was to figure out what was wrong with her body.

The first thing that came to Wu Shuyu's mind was to check her own pulse. By checking her pulse she could check to see if there were any abnormalities to the pulse. This would at least get a better idea of what was wrong with her. When Wu Shuyu felt her pulse her face dropped as she shouted out: "Can people in this era do something other than fucking poison people!? They did the same thing back in ancient China as well! Even half the novels I read worked the same way! Always fucking poison!" After letting her anger out Wu Shuyu slowly calmed her self down. At least she now knew what was wrong with her. Now she needed to find out what kind of poison it was. And the only way to do that was to go see a doctor since Wu Shuyu currently did not have a way of testing to find out what she was poisoned with. To see a doctor She would need silver… That was something she greatly lacked. Since she had no money it was best to go get some!

"Xing'er! Get ready to go out. We need to go earn some money!" Wu Shuyu carefully put back all the cultivation methods. After which she checked her self in the copper mirror only to frown a little. 'Oh, how I wish I had a real mirror. This fuzzy image of my face was killing me. '

After Xing'er was ready the two of them easily left the general residence. Wu Shuyu's courtyard was in a secluded location so it made it easy to just hop the wall and get outside the residence. A small little trek around the outer walls and they were out on the streets! Wu Shuyu was very surprised to see so many people were out and about on the roads. But then again it was the capital of Cloud country after all. This amount of foot traffic was to be expected.

Wu Shuyu's objective right now was to find a mark. Yes, this sounds shady but that was because it was shady! It's not like she wanted to do shady things but when one is in great need for money in order to secure your livelihood people will do things that are not so good. So yes Wu Shuyu was looking for a mark someone she could swindle… Ahem, ask politely for money. Not buying it? Fine! She just wanted to swindle people okay!? So she picked up a few rocks. Yes, you heard right she picked up a handful of ordinary rocks. Even Qin Ming was looking at Wu Shuyu a little strangely.

Wu Shuyu walked over into the crowd of people and then took in a deep breath before shouting! "Everyone would you like to be able to fight those a stage or two higher than you!? Well, it is your lucky day! I just so happened to find a few Stage Breaker Stones! At first glance, they look like ordinary stones! But what I found was that me who has no cultivation what so ever was able to fight someone in the first stage of Body Refinement just by keeping a stone on my body. It seems to act as a catalyst that allows my strength to grow! Now I am sure many of you are thinking that I am just lying to you all. In that case, I will fight any one of the first stage of Body Refinement right here right now in front of you all! It can be anyone as long as they are in the first stage of Body Refinement!" Yes, Wu Shuyu was a huge bitch for trying to trick people. But she was in the need for money and had no other way to go about it! It was not like she did this every day!

"Young lady I will take you on but if I win you will need to become my concubine!" Some man with a nasty face yelled out from the crowd he was indeed at the first stage of body refinement but he was extremely ugly. Even so, Wu Shuyu could tell he lacked any combat ability. It was just the man's gaze was a little lustful. Wu Shuyu couldn't help but feel a little repulsed.

"Sure sure. Whatever you say. But if I win you will need to buy three of my Stage Breaker Stones at one hundred silver appease!" Wu Shuyu was not sure how much one hundred silver was but since he was asking her to be a concubine why not give a higher price!

"Deal!" After he said that the man walked towards Wu Shuyu with an air of confidence seemingly thinking that he would win. Wu Shuyu slowly took her time and handed my "Stage Break Stones " to QIn Ming who was next to her and then only took one before stuffing it into her sleeve pocket in her robes.

"Young Miss" Qin Ming was looking at Wu Shuyu with a worried look.

Wu Shuyu sighed and gave her Qin Ming a smile as she said: "It will be fine trust your young miss!" Only then did Qin Ming nod and step back.

As soon as the man got to Wu Shuyu he tried to reach out and grab her but Wu Shuyu moved quickly grabbed his arm. She used her hip to bump him off his center of gravity and tossed him to the ground. Before he could even figure out what was going on WU Shuyu's fist was already hovering right over his nose. Wu Shuyu innocently smiled as she said: "Three hundred silver please!"

"Wow! Did you see that she really did it!"

"I know! That girl has no cultivation at all! When she tossed the man she did not even use any spiritual power! Those Stage Breaker Stones must be real! I will take five!"

Soon Wu Shuyu had people crowding around her to buy her "Stage Breaker Stones". To make it seem real she only sold ten total. In the end, she ended up with one thousand silver! It was a good swindle… Ahem… Honest business!

What she did not know was that all of her actions were being watched from the tea house across the street.

"Mu Sha follow that girl and find out who she is." Mu Sha's eyes went wide. When has his Young Master ever been interested in a girl! The last girl to hit on him was killed by cutting at the waist! But now he was actually taking the initiative to find out about one! This was unheard of!

"Mu Sha!" The young man with deep dark eyes stared coldly at the man next to him. This made the man gulp as he quickly saluted the young man.

"Right away Young Master!" After finishing his words he disappeared.

"Seems I found an interesting girl. Hopefully, she does not bore me." The young man smiled as he took a sip of his tea.