Good For Nothing Father Part Two

General Wu stared at the young girl in front of him. He was completely speechless. He had never thought that the girl who was weak-willed and lowered her head to everyone would show him no respect and instead slap him over and over in the face with her words! "Seems your mouth has really learned to talk back over the years. Wu Shuyu, putting aside your Second Sister and Concubine Xun's matter, in our world, there are those who are meant to soar like a phoenix and rise to the top as outstanding members of our society, your third sister is one of these people. Her cultivation base is already at the fourth stage of body refinement at such a young age. She is also engaged to the crown prince. But yet you… You went out of the house without permission and sullied your sister's name with your slander in front of the masses! You have lost all face for our General's Manor!" General Wu could not believe the looks he was getting while he was in court! It was not until one of his colleagues told him about the incident that he found out the reason! When he heard the reason he was furious he wanted to run out of the court right then and there and drag this waste out and beat her! He could not afford to let this matter cause the engagement between his third daughter and the crown prince to be annulled because of such baseless rumors! So instead of beating the worthless girl, he would force her to admit that she was lying and slandered her sister!

"Oh is that how it is, oh great esteemed General Wu? Then what about the fact that I am left starving and hungry to the point that I have no choice but to go out and try to find work to find food? Does this not lose face for your Generals Manor as well?" Wu Shuyu was not going to let this good for nothing father just ignore her issues and blame her for his loss of face. She was not stupid. Him, pushing the issue dealing with her second sister and Concubine Xun to the side was the same as pushing the neglect and abuse she had suffered over the years along with them. She would not let up until some things changed. She was forced to live in this General's Manor for another two years unless she was married out of the family when she turned fifteen.

By Cloud Country law she could be married out at the age of fifteen and at sixteen she would be considered an adult and could go live on her own. Wu Shuyu was hopping Feng Jei would propose marriage by then. Otherwise, she would end up packing her stuff and leaving and only returning when she was strong enough to take down the entire General's Manor. But until then she refused to just sit back idly forced to suffer and be treated worse than a bug.

General Wu completely ignored Wu Shuyu's words, he could care less if this daughter of his died from starvation or not. Even if she sold her body for money he would not care. A waste was a waste. There was no need for him to take concern over her well being. Right now his main concern was taking care of his third daughter's issue. The word of her being impregnated by a beggar had already spread around the entire capital! Letting out a snort General Wu yelled out: "Enough! Quickly someone come grab the First Young Miss and bring her to the main hall. She will then admit she was lying and publicly apologize to the Third Young Miss for slandering her."

At General Wu's words, the two guards that had followed General Wu to Wu Shuyu's courtyard stepped forward. Wu Shuyu sneered and was about to take action when a servant came running down the path shouting out. "Master Wu! Master Wu!" Upon reaching Wu Shuyu's courtyard gates the servant almost collapsed to the ground as he tried to catch his breath.

The two guards and Wu Shuyu 's attention turned onto the half kneeling servant who was desperately trying to catch his breath. "What are you shouting for? What is the matter?" General Wu frowned he had a feeling something important came up and now he would have to postpone the matter with his third daughter.

"Ma-Master Wu there is a decree from the palace for the First Young Miss and they are asking for the First Young Miss to come and accept the decree." General Wu was stunned. He turned to look at the waste only to see her walk by him with a big smile on her face saying.

"I will go first, General Wu. it's not good to make the people from the palace wait for too long. You should also hurry along. "After saying her words Wu Shuyu, with big strides walked out of the courtyard. General WU was left standing there. He once again gave a snort before turning to leave as well.

The front hall was filled with all of Wu Shuyu's brothers and sisters along with her father's concubines, except for her Second Sister and Concubine Xun. When she arrived at the hall they all gave Wu Shuyu disdainful glances. But they did not dare say anything in front of the people from the palace, especially this Eunuch He. This eunuch had a high status within the palace as he was the Emperor's personal servant.

Not long after Wu Shuyu arrived did General Wu follow after. Seeing Eunuch He, General Wu inwardly sneered as he put on a fake smile while giving a slight bow saying: "Eunuch He, it is a pleasure to have you visit my General's Manor."

"You are too courteous General Wu, I am just here on an errand for his majesty. May I ask which one of these ladies is your manor's First Young Miss, Wu Shuyu?" Eunuch He in fact already knew which one of the daughters was Wu Shuyu. Feng Jei had already told him to look for the girl who was dressed even more poorly than the General's Manors servants. So as soon as Wu Shuyu came into the main hall he already knew who she was. But after taking a good look at here he had to admit that this girl was definitely a beauty. It was just her chest area was missing some meat buns...