Tang Lanzhi Part One

A young girl around fourteen years old the same age as Wu Shuyu walked into the first floor of Xiannu Pavilion. Hearing the girl scream how she wanted to teach their boss a lesson caused the staff to frown. Since she was here to cause trouble there was no sense in being courteous with her so the entire staff ignored her existence. The girl stood in the entry waiting for someone to come over and assist her with her arms across her chest as one of her feet was tapping impatiently on the ground. After waiting a few minutes and still not getting any attention the girl was about to yell out once more when the door behind her opened and more people walked in. The staff seeing the new customers come in smiled and quickly welcomed them in.

Seeing the difference in treatment caused the girl's rage to flair up! "Are you all fucking blind!? Do you not see this Miss standing here!? Why is it when someone else comes in they get assistance first while this Miss is still standing here? Bring out that slut Wu Shuyu for this Miss this instance!" While the new arrivals were startled by the outburst seeing how the host completely ignored it and still assisted them they quickly followed the host to the table.

Watching from the third floor while eating the food on her plate Wu Shuyu was very satisfied with how the staff acted. She watched as the girl's face turned completely red in anger. Veins were sticking out of her forehead. Wu Shuyu could tell that this girl was not used to being ignored to this extent.

"Oh, if it's not the First Young Miss of the Tang family, Tang Lanzhi. Her aunt is one of the Emperor's Concubines, Imperial Concubine Xin. Well, one who is not favored any longer after she gave birth to the fifth prince, Prince Long." Bai Fu noticed that Wu Shuyu did not know who the girl was and took the liberty to explain.

"So she's riding her aunts coat tails to wag her tail around?" Wu Shuyu asked as she finished the food in front of her.

"Pretty much. She goes around throwing her weight around wherever she can. She has caused a lot of problems for the commoners because of her arrogance." Bai Fu explained.

"Then let's go have some fun with this Tang Lanzhi then. She seems like an easy target that we can extor... I mean borrow some money from. " Wu Shuyu said as she made her way to the stairs leading down.

"Why do I already feel pity for her all of a sudden." Bai Fu said as she gave Tang Lanzhi a pitiful look. Why do these people seem to be trying to cause trouble for this great aunt in front of her? She had only been with Wu Shuyu for a day and already this girl has beaten two full-grown men and caused her own sixth sister to piss herself in fear. Yet more and more people keep throwing themselves at her and she only sees it as "something fun to do". Shaking her head Bai Fu quickly followed after Wu Shuyu.

Tang Lanzhi at this point was losing her mind in rage since none of the staff was paying any attention to her at all. Not being able to take it anymore she quickly walked in and grabbed one of the waitresses and slapped her face. "Do you see this Miss now!? You all dare ignore this Miss!? How about I teach each and every one of you a lesson!?" Tang Lanzhi then brought out a whip.

The girl who got slapped face started to swell up and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. Tears welled up in the poor girl's eyes as she had no idea why she was being hit. She was of the first stage of body refinement and had no talent in cultivating. But now she was being hit by someone who was at the third stage of body refinement. She looked up at Tang Lanzhi and glared at her. She did not work here to be hit for no reason!

Seeing the glare from the waitress on the floor Tang Lanzhi raised her hand yet again and was about to lash out with her whip at the girl's face but she felt a great pain in her wrist as someone had grabbed it. Causing her to drop the whip to the ground! "Ahh! Who dares hurt this Miss?" Tang Lanzhi turned her head to see who it was that dared to hurt her and her eyes went wide as she said: "Wu Shuyu!"

"I do not think I have ever spoken a word to Miss Tang. Why have you come to my Xiannu Pavilion shouting and screaming and then started hitting my employee's? I do not think my employees are someone you are allowed to talk to, never mind lay a hand on them." Wu Shuyu was actually really angry right now. Since she was now the owner of this place that meant these were her people and after seeing how none of them even mentioned a word of her being here that meant that they were loyal to her.

"Princess!" The waitress on the floor cried out. She did not know how she should feel at this time. The princess was like her knight in shining armor!

"It's fine, get up and take a break. Have Dong Hua get you a medical pill to heal your injury." Wu Shuyu said as she smiled at the waitress. Before turning her attention back to Tang Lanzhi.

Tang Lanzhi had only come here because she found out that Wu Shuyu was now engaged to Prince Jie! Prince Jie was supposed to be hers! How could a waste be worthy of Prince Jie! But now Tang Lanzhi was currently not feeling so well. She had been struggling to free her hand from Wu Shuyu's grip but found no matter how much strength she used, she still could not free her hand. The pain in her wrist was starting to get worse as well. She was starting to get a little scared but her pride would not have it! She still had her aunts backing! "Wu Shuyu let go of this Miss right now! Otherwise, my Aunt will not let you off!"

"Oh, your Aunt huh? Well, she's not here right now. So let's do this. How much is this hand worth to you? " A bright smile appeared on Wu Shuyu's face as she said this. 'Want to cause troubles on my territory I will extort you for everything you have!'