Emperor Feng Yang Strikes Again! Part One

Bai Fu who had just finished laughing almost burst out laughing again. 'Who was Yu'er kidding!? Gave money to her? She one hundred percent extorted that money!' Shaking her head and holding her laughter back Bai Fu put her arm around Wu Shuyu's shoulder and whispered: "Yu'er you have all kinds of money why do you look so happy when you extort money from others?"

Wu Shuyu looked at Bai Fu with a wronged expression as she said: "I never extorted anyone. Tang Lanzhi was so kind that she handed this money without even needing me to pay it back."

"Yu'er who are you kidding! Tell me!" Bai Fu said as she pinched Wu Shuyu's cheek.

Rubbing her now red cheek Wu Shuyu said: "Fine, it's simple really. In life, you should always extort who you can extort and swindle who you can swindle. Any money you can get that did not originally belong to you is happy money!"

Bai Fu couldn't help but think about Wu Shuyu's words. "Extort who you can. Swindle who you can. I will have to keep this in mind."

Seeing how Wu Shuyu was able to lead her new friend on to a new righteous path, Wu Shuyu was very happy. 'I will have to train this girl well so she can help me swin… borrow lots of money from people in the future.' "Anyway, it's getting late let's finish our city tour!" Pulling Bai Fu by the hand the two got back in the carriage to continue their city tour.

In the Imperial Palace, Emperor Feng Yang was still sitting in his seat up high while Feng Jie was next to him. Another shadow guard was kneeling in front of them. "Your majesty, Princess Xiannu went to Xiannu Pavilion for lunch. All was fine until Tang Lanzhi of the Tang Family, Imperial Concubine Xin's niece came looking for the Princess to start a fight. Tan..."

"Hold on! Jie'er..."

"Yes, Father Emperor?"

"Who is Imperial Concubine Xin?"

Feng Jie did not know whether to laugh or cry. Why do you bring in a concubine if you can't even remember who they are!? Smiling wryly Feng Jie said: "She is Fifth Brother's mother."

"Jie'er you have a Fifth Brother? That means we have a fifth son!?" Emperor Feng Yang had a shocked expression on his face as he heard these words. He quickly went into deep thought before waving his hand saying: "He! Bring us Concubine Xin and this fifth son of ours."

"Yes, your majesty." Appearing out of nowhere startling the shadow guard, Eunuch He answered and bowed before running off.

Emperor Feng Yang then turned back to the shadow guard and said: "Continue!"

Nodding his head the Shadow guard continued his report. "Princess watched her staff for a little while to see how they would react in such a situation. Princess was very pleased to see that the staff completely ignored Tang Lanzhi. But Tang Lanzhi could no longer keep her anger in check and struck one of the waitresses who was only at the first level of body refinement sending the poor girl to the ground. The waitress did not cower but talked back to Tang Lanzhi, this angered Tang Lanzhi, even more, causing her to take out her whip but before she could even use it the Princess made her move. Princess was as fast as lightning. Princess was able to get from the third floor to the first before Tanglanzhi even had a chance to strike out with the whip. Then after breaking one of Tang Lanzhi's fingers she continued to extort Tang Lanzhi of all her jewelry and money, she went as far as to almost take her dress and underwear."

"Almost?" Emperor Feng Yang asked.

"Yes after threatening to make Tang Lanzhi service the men in the restaurant and getting Tang Lanzhi to give Princess her dress, Princess stopped her from taking it off and told her to never show up in any of her businesses again before letting her go." The showed guard finished his report.

Emperor Feng Yang frowned. "He!"

"Yes, your majesty!" Eunuch He showed up out of nowhere yet again causing the shadow guard to almost shit himself. The shadow guard looked at Eunuch He in amazement: 'Where the hell does he come from!?' The shadow guard really could not figure out where Eunuch He kept popping out from.

"Go stop our daughter in law and fine her five silver for not stripping the clothes off Tang Lanzhi's back. Tell her we said that if she is going to extort someone, extort them for everything they have even their clothes off their back!" Hearing his father's words made Feng Jie roll his eyes. 'This damn old fox just wanted to get in on some of the money my Yu'er got from her extortion!" Of course, Feng Jie did not say any of this out loud and could only smile bitterly.

"Right away your Majesty!" Eunuch He answered before disappearing once again.

At this time the doors to the hall opened and Eunuch He walked in with Imperial Concubine Xin and her son the Fifth Prince. This caused the shadow guard to do a double-take. He realized that he really needed to retrain him self if he could not even do the things that a meer eunuch could! His heart was aching, his pride as a shadow guard was thoroughly defeated this day by Eunuch He.

"Your Majesty as you have requested. Imperial Concubine Xin and Prince Long are here." Eunuch He announced.