Giving General Wu A New Head Wife

Wu Shuyu smiled as she walked towards the main seats. All this while every person in the banquet had been kneeling now for almost ten minutes as all these things keep happening one after the other. Wu Shuyu's gaze fell on to Bai Fu and saw that she was still kneeling, causing Wu Shuyu to frown. She did not realize that the old coot had not let everyone rise. She was too busy messing with the Crown Prince to realize. "Father Emperor I think everyone has kneeled long enough or at least Prime Minister Bai's family has." Wu Shuyu said calmly.

Bai Fu who was still kneeling praised Wu Shuyu in her heart. Her knees were really going numb! Emperor Feng Yang came to a realization as he looked around that he had not let anyone rise just yet. He then remembered that Prime Minister Bai's First Young Miss was Wu Shuyu's friend. "Fu girl come up here as well. Let us take a look at you."

Bai Fu was stunned by Emperor Feng Yang's words. She slowly got up allowing her legs numbness to disperse. She then walked slowly to the main seats to where Wu Shuyu was now standing. Wu Shuyu stood in front of the Empress and gave a slight blow. "Wu Shuyu greets Empress Zhiruo."

"Hoho! Dear, no need to be so formal with us just call us Mother Empress. You are Jie'er's future wife. That means you will be like our own daughter. Come let us take a look at you." Empress Zhiruo smiled as she reached out her hand towards Wu Shuyu.

Wu Shuyu smiled and placed her hand into Empress's Zhi Ruo's. She then said: "This daughter will not stand on ceremony then, Mother Empress."

"Hoho! You are such a beautiful and sensible girl. I have heard so much about you. Your title of Princess Xiannu is very fitting." Empress Zhi Ruo patted the back of Wu Shuyu's hand. She then looked over at an eunuch. "You bring Yu'er a comfortable seat. She will sit with us for a while. Also bring one for her friend too. Fu girl, come, come sit next to Yu'er."

Bai Fu was all kinds of confused. How was it she was now able to sit with the Emperor and Empress all of a sudden? This had never happened before in her life! She looked at Wu Shuyu who was standing there smiling as nothing special was happening. 'I will need to make sure to buy Yu'er a gift later otherwise, I would not be a true friend.' She had decided all good things that have happened tonite are because of Wu Shuyu.

Emperor Feng Yang was very happy with Wu Shuyu's attitude. She fit perfectly with his family. He then looked at Bai Fu who was standing there nervously next to Wu Shuyu and gave a smile. As he thought of which son she would be a match for. "Fu girl, you do not have an engagement at this time is that correct?"

Bai Fu was startled by this question. She blushed and answered: "Yes that is correct, your Majesty."

"Hmm good! Which of my sons do you find appealing?" Emperor Feng Yang asked.

Prime Minister Bai was stunned all of a sudden was the Emperor going to decree a marriage for his daughter? Such a thing really made Prime Minister Bai happy! His daughter was a bit special and was very tomboyish. He was having a hard time finding her a fiance. Not to mention lately she seemed to be taking maids into her room at night to sleep with her! He did not dare to ask as he was afraid he might step on a landmine! Now hearing the Emperor words he had hope for his daughter!

"All of the Prince's are very handsome. For appealing , any of them besides Prince Jie who belongs to Yu'er and The Crown Prince who likes to take it in the ass..." Bai Fu answered honestly completely forgetting that she was talking to the Emperor.

She did not have time to even correct her words when a loud shout was heard from the table blow. "Did you just say this King likes to take it up the ass? Guards beat this wench for this King!"

"You touch a hair on my Fu'er and I will make it so that you will turn into a girl before you walk out of this banquet tonight." Wu Shuyu's eyes turned cold as she stood in front of Bai Fu. "You even said so yoru self earlier that you were gay and loved to have big fat cocks deep in your ass. Just because you are angry about being forced out of the closet does not mean you can take your anger out on a innocent little girl. Look how old you are. And you ware shouting for the guards to beat a little girl. Do you not have any shame!?"

Wu Shuyu was truly mad. She did not care for those who say things to her but when it came to her loved ones she would not allow anyone to harm them. Emperor Feng Yang saw how angry Wu Shuyu was and frowned at the Crown Prince. 'This idiot dared to make his daughter in law mad?' Thinking for a minute his gaze fell on to General Wu and a foxy smile appeared on his lips. "Now, now, everyone calm down why don't we do this. We guess Yijun is jealous of General Wu's new concubines. So we will do this. Yijun will no longer be crown prince and he will be given to General Wu as his head wife!"


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