Plots and Schemes

The cold morning mist filled the air as fog flooded the vision of all those around. Wu Shuyu woke up to her two sisters cuddled up next to her to try to stay warm. They were going to have a long day ahead of them since they would be climbing the mountain today. The trek up the mountain was going to be a long and hard journey. It was now entering the fall season where snow fell near the peak of the mountain and the temperature drop alone would be more than a few degrees. If one was not careful they would freeze to death before ever making it to the top. This was something that happens every year. During the winter months, many people would die and be covered in snow to only be found the next spring thaw.

Wu Shuyu knew this journey would be dangerous without the carriage but she wanted to use this time to really solidify her foundation. She also knew it would be hard on her sisters and Qin Ming. But as cultivators themselves this was something they needed to undertake as well.