Please Forgive Us!

Morning light came on the next day all the girls shared the same tent so that they could stay warm during the night. The night air dipped below freezing causing a chill to permeate through the air. Wu Shuyu's guards kept two fires going all night, one on each side of the small tent that girls slept in, to warm the air around the tent. This kept the five of them from feeling too cold while they slept. Her guards were all of high cultivation so they could circulate their qi and shield themselves from the cold night's air.

Wu Shuyu was the first to wake up. She gently freed her self from Wu Ya's and Wu Xuefeng's grasp as she got up and climbed out of the tent. She stood up and stretched her arms and legs before looking out over the scenery as the sun shined its first rays down on to the treetops below.