Dirty Little Secrets Part One

After a long and treacherous day, Wu Shuyu and her crew all made it to Feng Jie's courtyard. Wu Shuyu and her four sisters were very tired. Not to mention Princess Mei, Bai Fu, and Qin Ming and the other maids. They all had little to no cultivation but they all still made it safe and sound. "Tonight we will sleep well!"

Wu Shuyu really could not wait to bathe and then lay in a nice comfortable bed. After a nice hot bath, Wu Shuyu heard a bunch of noise outside her room. She looked at Qin Ming and Tang Lanzhi to see if they knew what was going on. But the two girls only shook their heads and shrugged. Wu Shuyu opened the door to see her four sisters arguing. Bai Fu and Princess Mei were standing off to the side watching the scene.

"Hey, why are you four fighting?" Wu Shuyu cut in between the four girls.

"Big Sister who gets to sleep with you tonight?" Wu Ya was the first to speak up her eyes were filled with expectation but unfortunately, Wu Shuyu let down that expectation.