Biao Zi

The next day Wu Shuyu took Feng Jie, Yu Bi, Tang Ru, and Wang Zemin out to tour the city and taste their delicacies. They went stall to stall and tasted anything that could not be found in Cloud Country.  After almost a full day of picking at different things here and there, Wu Shuyu and the rest found themselves in the best restaurant in all of Red Tiger City. Because of General Zheng, Wu Shuyu and the rest were treated as VIP guests and given the most luxurious private room in the restaurant. 

"Miss Wu here is the menu, take your time in looking it over and just ring the bell for the waiter when you have decided on what to eat." A fat well-dressed gentleman said as he gave a slight bow. This man was the owner of the restaurant called Phoenix Feasts that Wu Shuyu was currently in. The owner's name was Dai Yanting.