Coronation Ceremony Part Three

After the emperors and empresses, all gave their gifts it was finally time for Wu Shuyu to proceed with the coronation ceremony. Normally one would not need to go through such matters with the public but Wu Shuyu wanted the citizens to know who she was. Since a lot of times, the citizens of countries have never actually seen the face of their emperor. 

Wind Country's capital city had a large stage erected with many festive streamers and lanterns adorning it. The city center was full of citizens from Wind Country to see with their own eyes who the new ruler of their country was. The first official Empress to rule Wind Country by herself. Wu Shuyu gripped Feng Jie's hand as she gazed up at him and smiled. 

"Jie'er wish me luck!" Wu Shuyu said as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips. 

"Un! Good luck!" With Feng Jie's words, Wu Shuyu straightened her back and walked elegantly out onto the stage.