Imprisonment Part Two

Hearing Eunuch He's voice caused General Wu to become enraged. He let his spirit power surge as he marched towards the front meeting hall. When he entered he found Eunuch He sitting in the main seat sipping on tea looking down at him arrogantly. Not able to contain his rage General Wu spirit power surged forth and weighed down on Eunuch He. But to his surprise, Eunuch He did not even flinch! It was as if his spirit power had no effect on him! But this still did not stop General Wu from saying: "May I ask why you are sitting in the main seat of my house? Are you not nothing more than a messenger for his Majesty? I, as a general of this country who wields the power of his Majesty's army, can and will not be looked down on by a mere Eunuch!"

"Oh?" Eunuch He looked at the guard next to him and asked: "Do you smell that? It smells like a stale cock. I guess General Wu was servicing his wives before he came in here."