Why Hello Father!

Foul stench, damp moss covered walls, dark hallways where the only light came from glowing blue stones embedded in the walls. This place was Cloud Country's Imperial Dungeon Prison and in this dungeon, Feng Shuyu walked leisurely towards a certain cell. Feng Shuyu stood in front of the cell bars and smiled brightly at the unkempt man inside. "Why Hello Father! Did you miss me?" 

General Wu heard Feng Shuyu's voice and roared out in rage! "You little bitch! Everything that has happened is because of you! All because of you… You! Core formation!" General Wu's eyes almost popped out of his head as he felt the spirit pressure weight down onto him. Sweat suddenly started to build upon his forehead. He had never imagined that the waste daughter of his would suddenly go from nothing to the core formation realm in a matter of a few years! He suddenly felt regret. He now realized how blind he truly was!