Here’s The Culprit

My bold decision has made all the concubines filled with anger and hatred. They have always envied me for the things I have. They all wanted to snatch it away from me. On the other hand Eleanor is planning to kill Timothy with her lover Gilbert. So much trouble for a throne. It's like the Election in modern days but thankfully people can choose their own leaders.

Imagine fighting for the seat and killing countless people to win the power of nation.

After the fight with Eleanor, I stayed at the room bit longer. I have already sorted out most of the informations and documents. From now on, I'm going to conduct the household budget, which is why I have to go through with many works. But only problem is I will have less time to spend with Alex. My first priority will always be Alex. So, I need to find a way to spend more time with him and look after him.

Thanks to my good knowledge in math, I was able to calculate everything easily. I do have helpers appointed by my side. They are here to help me with the management.

When I retuned to my chamber, I told Anna everything that happened during the announcement of my new decision. As usual she got frightened.

" Your highness! Why did you pick a fight with her? You know lady Eleanor will complain about you to His Highness." Anna exclaims in fear. Her eyes have widen up big and the fear was visible.

" Oh Anna. Why are you a coward?" I mocked her.

" Your highness I'm serious! Lady Eleanor is not going to let it slip easily." This time she scolds me.

" Relax honey. I got it all under my control. By the way, any thing unusual happened with Alex?"

" No, your highness."

" Hmmm. Good, make sure you always keep your eyes on him."

" Yes, your highness."

The next day I was called out by the royal knight. He came to escort me to Timothy. Looks like Eleanor can't keep her lips sealed. I followed the knight and entered the big hall where Timothy was siting on his throne and Eleanor was standing too. I had already predicted that it will happen soon so, I was not scared at all.

" Your majesty, what's the matter?" I asked him like a innocent child.

" Lady Eleanor has something to say about you."

" Me?" I continued to act dumb.

" Yes, you. Speak lady Eleanor."

" Your majesty, yesterday her highness declared that she will manage the household budget. When I told her that I don't mind taking care of it, she became angry and called me such disgraceful words."

" What did she say?"

" I can't even say it with my own lips your majesty.... I have never spoken of such words."

Oh please! Cut it out bitch. We both know how well educated you are. She faked her crocodile tears and gave a sorrowful expression. I rolled my eyes after seeing how bad her acting is.

" She called me a whore." All the people present there gasped in horror. Yeah! yeah Guys! never heard of the word,did ya?

Anyway, Eleanor already said what she had to. Now I will show her how it works, how to truly act like a damsel in distress.

" Your majesty, it's not true! I can never say such shameful thing to her, not even any other person. I know lady Eleanor is upset with me and I admit that we had a little argument yesterday. But I did not mentioned anything about it because I wanted to forgive her for being rude."

" What happened yesterday? Tell me clearly." Timothy didn't believe Eleanor from the starting because he knew about Lucinda's character very well. Although he had little doubt wondering why would Eleanor suddenly accuse Lucinda for something that is literally impossible.

" Your majesty, lady Eleanor said that she wants to take care of the household budget. But when I said no, she suddenly changed into an another person. She started to yell at me, cursing me with hurtful words. I only took care of the budget so that lady Eleanor can be free from the work lord. Instead of hearing me out she said that I'm only going take all the money for my own merriment."

" What! That's is not true your majesty. She's lying to you!" Of course I'm lying, I leaned it from you. Shouldn't you be proud of my new development? After all you are my inspiration!

" No, your majesty. I have never lied to you or any one. Please believe my words. I did not said those words or disrespected lady Eleanor any way." Timothy already realised his mistake for doubting me in the past. He felt regretted and I am positive, he will not repeat the same mistake. Unless he gets solid proof.

" Your majesty don't listen to her-" Eleanor was stopped by Timothy.

" Silence!" The loud roar made the hall quite. There were no sound at all. " It seems that you two have different thoughts about the incident. Sadly I can't tell who's speaking the truth and who's not. We need a witness who can verify your words. Can you think of anyone?"

" Your majesty, there was a maid with us when we spoke. Please bring her here. I'm sure she will tell you the truth."

" Fine then. What's her name?"

" I don't know her name but she works at lady Eleanor's palace."

" Her name is Lily your majesty." Eleanor replied. She was looking little happy and relieved. Oh? You think that bringing your maid here to be the witness is gonna help you out?

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Sorry to say, but that's also part of my plan. You just called for your own destruction. When it all ends, you will be regretting your decision.

" Go bring her here." Timothy told a knight to bring Lily here. We stayed there waiting for Lily to show up with the knight. After few moments the knight came back but he was alone.

" What's the matter? Where's the maid?" Timothy asked him with a dissatisfied look.

" Your majesty, the maid you spoke of, she's not in the palace. No one has seen her from the morning."

" What! Go take all the knights and find her. Search every where,even her room." A maid,a mere maid, who is supposed to be the witness, she is missing since the morning. What could be the reason? Hmm. I wonder.

" Lady Eleanor, are you involved in this missing case?" With a sharp gaze Timothy asked Eleanor. Well technically, Lily was going to tell the truth and become my witness since I spoke of her. It's obvious Timothy thought it too. But Lily is Eleanor's loyal subordinate, she will most certainty take Eleanor's side.

" Your majesty, why would I be involved? She's been working in my palace for a long time. Other than that I have no connection to that mere maid." Eleanor tried to act normal. She knows that when Lily comes here, she will take Eleanor's side. But deep down Eleanor was worried about Lily. Why is Lily missing? Where is she? Perhaps that's what she was thinking inside her head.

"Your majesty! Your majesty!" A scared and traumatised voice of a girl echoed all over the hall. Two guards were dragging Lily. Our eyes were fixed on Lily. She was scared of something.

" What is the matter? Why is she looking scared?"

" Your majesty, when we were searching for her, we found her in the garden. Someone was trying to assassinate her. We reached their on time but the assassin had escaped." The knight replied.

" Why would they try to kill her?" Timothy pointed at Lily "You there! Speak. Who was that assassin?"

" Your majesty! Please save me! I haven't done anything! That person kept on telling that Lady Eleanor ordered him to kill me! Please your majesty! I beg you for my life!"

" What! Lady Eleanor?"

" Your majesty, please have a look at these too. We found them from the maid's room."

" What is the meaning of this!?"

" I think it's clear why lady Eleanor wants to kill her."

" These are the account records of the money that has been taken away from the household budget. This is a huge sum of money! Lady Eleanor explain this!"

" Your majesty, .... I don't know-"

" Do not deny your crime! That maid has been working under you. These books are the evidence. You tried to kill her so that you can wipe out all the evidence."

" Your majesty... I am not ...guilty... I can explain..."

" Get the hell out from here! I will look over this mistake of yours. Take that maid and put her in the prison."

" Your majesty! I'm innocent! Listen to me please!" Lily pleaded and begged. She was so horrified after the killing attempted that she couldn't realised what had happened to her. The knights dragged Lily to the royal prison.

Shocked? Of course you will. My main objective was to expose Eleanor's misdeed and what she did with Lily. Sir Gilbert was out on the border area which was why the plan went even more smoother.

The assassin was none other than sir Joseph. I was the one who told him to use Eleanor's name and frame her. It's karma baby! I just retuned what Eleanor gave me in the past.

When sir Joseph escaped, he changed back to the knight's armour and went to Lily's chamber along with the other.

He knew where was the document hidden. He just pointed them out in front of the knights. It didn't took them long to figure out what were the documents.

Everything was done by me but rather than showing my face I decided to hide. Same did sir Joseph, he made sure that he won't get directly involved in the whole situation. So that, no one can suspect him. We need to hide ourselves until we become more powerful. Being a saint won't do any good so I had to be the evil queen in order to punish the bad peoples.

Eleanor also left from there. It was her lucky day, or else she did be killed by Timothy. She only got scolded for her crime and for now it's enough. She was also seized from her expenses forever. No more luxury for her. This is going to make a big effort in their plan.

By that time other ladies will hear about it and they are probably shivering with fear.

~ to be continued

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