A Painful Childhood

The reticence of the night, kept us away from the curiosity of others. We are just two souls, in the large chamber. One can feel lonely if they had no one to talk here.

I remember vividly, when Lucinda had to live separately in her palace, Timothy had spent those years alone in this room. He never let any other woman enter in this bedroom beside Lucinda.

" Aren't you tired?" He asked in a glum voice, keeping his eyes at me. My heart felt pained all of sudden and I wonder why?

" It's alright. I want to hear more about you." Shocking yet extremely uncalled for, the words I just said. My heart was racing fast like a horse.

" You were always like this, Lucy. Putting yourself away for my sake. It makes me feel so guilty. When I look back into my past, I see all the terrible thighs I did to you. Yet, I can't think of any bad thing you ever did to me." His eyes weren't lying. The husky voice has become meek with the weight of misery and sorrow.

" What's done is done. Let's not think about it." I quickly tried to change the topic. It's better if we don't argue further. Hearing about his useless apologies makes me feel disgusted. My blood just boils when I think of those dreadful days.

" You may change the topic but my iniquity won't fade away. I have soiled my hands. I have done formidable crimes, things that can't be undone." Wait, what did he mean? Formidable crimes?

As far I can recall, what Timothy did to me is not really formidable. I mean, we were only living separately but he didn't slept with other girls. This guy is such a saint. He won't touch other girls beside me. Then what was that about?

" I'm here to listen. I'm here to understand your feelings and I won't run away. So, tell me Timothy, what is hurting you? Causing you such pain?" Honestly, I was just curious. They say curiosity killed the cat. Let just pray, it's not some gruesome or unhealthy information that I'm gonna hear.

Finger cross. Ooof!

" I guess it all started from the beginning. My mother was the empress so, naturally I would obtain the throne. But my father had other children as well from the concubines. That's why my mother pressurised me a lot. She wanted me to be efficient in every aspect. I don't recall spending times with my parents. They never bother to show any affection towards me. If I did something good they'd praise me for my accomplishment. As a child, I did enjoyed it, being admired by my parents." His eyes were lost, reminiscing his childhood. I had no idea about this. Timothy was so alone that he didn't even received the love of his father and mother.

Thankfully Lucinda has such a great father who devoted everything for her. He never remarried after the death of Lucinda's mother.

When I heard about Timothy's burdened thoughts, it made me think of my situation. My father abused me, he never showed any affection for me. He's the worst example of a father. I can't believe my mother went through such abuse for me. If only she had left my father and started a new life. Things would have tuned out good.

" I thought, if I work hard on my studies, my parents will love me. But that was a lie. My father suddenly began to show interest in one of my half brother. He was good at sword fighting. My mother feared that I'll be rebuked from my position. She became so panicked that she stopped talking nicely with me. She did shout at me, swearing filthy words. Then all of a sudden, she told me that I need to kill my half brothers. It was the biggest dilemma of my life.

I wanted to run away, far away from the palace, from the court life. I couldn't just endure this any longer. My mother was driving me insane. Then, one day, out of my deranged mind I set fire to the castle where my half brothers lived. They burned to death in front of my eyes. No one found out that I did it. Later my mother hired someone to poison the concubines.

Thus no one was left to take away my position. All these thing my mother did for me yet she never made me feel loved. Soon after some time my mother got sick and she died. She never got to to see me on the throne, wearing the crown. I wonder if she felt happy on her deathbed or died worrying about my future." This is just way too much for a kid. I can't believe he faced such harsh situations.

You can't judge someone by their look. I was such fool to think that he was born with a silver spoon. My eyes were fixed on him. Perhaps I wanted to feel his pain through my vision. The eyes of mine felt wet.

When did I start crying?

A warm hand wiped the tears from my cheeks. I was so lost into my thoughts that my body felt lifeless.

" It must be hard for you."

" It was." Letting out a deep sigh, he said. My hands began to caress his sculptures face, the temple of his head. I just wanted to soothe his heart. Because I was also in pain. The reason is still unknown. His face was close to mine. I couldn't help myself from kissing him and that's exactly what I did. Our lips were moving in a harmony. He tasted so sweet and luscious. I was feeling dizzy as my breathing got stopped.

We let go off each other and I don't know why but my heart felt softer than usual. " If there's something that burdens you, don't keep it to yourself." Was it too much? Maybe not. I guess we are both burdened with our own past. I can lend him my shoulder for the time being.

" You are doing more than enough. I can't never repay you for the love and happiness you gave me. My life was filled with anguish and hatred. But you showed me what love is. The moment I saw you, I was so enchanted by your presence and beauty. My heart was yours from that day." Now it makes me little sad. Me and Lucinda, we don't look alike at all not even an inch. Her beauty is just way too much. When he compliments my look it only makes me feel uneasy.

After all I'm not your real wife—— Lucinda.


" Yet you kept me away from you, all these years. Ignoring me like a stranger." Okay, I agree that I got little angry.

" I regret for being so stupid. But trust me, not for a once I felt happy or dignified. Yes, I was wrong to misjudge you for the crime you never did. Maybe, I felt so sad that it made me blind. Lucy, there is no one I love most in this world compared to you. I never touched any other woman beside you." He hold my hand firmly while keeping his eyes at me.

" You did spend time with them to make me feel sad. Intentionally." A annoyed me replied, emphasising the last word.

Yes, I'm being a bitch.

" I know. It was so childish of me to think that I'll be happy to see you jealous. Now I understand what mother felt that time. She was insecure about her position. Her vulnerability got worse when she sensed those eyes who longed for the throne. But Alex won't go through the same inhuman tragedy like I did. He has you." Please! Don't make me laugh. Did you forget the incident when someone poisoned your son ? Huh? How unthinkable of you!

Oh Timothy, you're such an asshole.

" Yet I couldn't protect him from those people who poisoned him. His life was on the edge of the cliff, hanging like a half broken branch." Like a cunning fox, I deliberately took the blame on me, making him feel guilty. Yeah bitch! It was your all fault. Now regret.

" Don't blame yourself. If someone should be blamed for that incident then it should be me. I failed to become a good father. I ended up following my father's footsteps. Can't believe I separated my son from his godlike mother." As I imagined, he took the blame on him. Look my dear husband, I have no time to play the act of lovey doves couple with you. My son's life is in danger. People are targeting him, okay? I can't just lay on this bed and chill.

" Then you better work hard to become a good father from now on. Your son is going to follow your footsteps to become a good person. I don't want my future daughter-in-law to suffer like I did." With a playful smirk I replied.

" Future daughter-in-law? " That caught him off guard.

" Well, if Alex becomes a jerk like you then the girl who's gonna marry him, will end up suffering like me." My witty remark aroused his curiosity.

" Did you call me a jerk ?" He asked me looking confused.

" Yes. Can't I? I mean you just admitted all your wrong doings." I gave him a devil's smile and it was enough to make him forgive me. He literally told me to act touchy-touchy with him so, why not?

" Fair enough." With that he slammed his lips on mine and next thing I remember I was already on bed, being captive by his sturdy chest.

~ to be continued