Teaching Them A Lesson

The door flew open with our entrance. All the eyes were set on us as soon we walked into the den of wolves. They say wolves only stay in the pack but the lion goes to hunt alone.

If I compare the situation,these pusillanimous ladies are nothing but those coward wolves who can only stay in their group for safety.

A lioness like me doesn't have to pay any attention or worry about them. Because that would be a waste of time.

Envy filled eyes pierced me like a sharp dagger. Although it couldn't perturb me. Some had disgust, and some had curiosity visible on their faces. It was easy enough to read. They are not even trying to hide it from me. But as much they disliked me they can not skip the formalities.

" Greetings, Her Highness the Queen." All the ladies got up from their seats and bowed down their head in order to show fake respect.

God! I feel repugnant already.

" Ah, please don't be troubled. I'm so sorry to disturb you in the middle of your conversation." I said in a over-friendly manner.

Ugh! Acting all kind and shy is such a pain in the arse. It makes me cringe.

" That's all right, Her Highness. We are honoured to have you here. So please feel free to join us." The lady with deep reddish hair spoke up in such vexing manner. The malicious aura had been around her since the moment I saw her.

Why do I feel like I've seen her before? At that moment my mind went back to the flashback.

Ah shit! Here we go again.

I have noticed one thing about my body. Whenever I try to remember something or someone, my mind goes back to a flashback. The thing is I have both mine and Lucinda's memories inside my tiny little head.

Yup! It's quite a lot of memory.

Anyway all the memories of Lucinda are stacked up inside a corner of my brain. So when ever I try to recall a matter or a incident, it takes me back to a flashback.

And it hurts a lot. Of course it is not normal for one person to have a massive amount of memory inside their little brain. My head aches for few minutes then it gets back to the usual state. Since it happened a lot I somehow learned to stop the flashback in the midway.

I mean seriously, why should I bother with some cheap memory that won't benefit me. Since the moment those concubines came to the royal palace they only made turmoil for Lucinda.

I get so fucking angry and agitated whenever I'm seeing them bullying her.

After suffering and enduring the pain in my previous life, I learned to become heartless. In this world, there is no place for kindness.

It's a weakness that will chain up your true judgemental heart. It'll prevent you from seeking your annexation.

So, what's the point of this elevation?

Yes, you got that right. The answer is nothing. Nothing at all.

Kindness is a disability. An inability that keeps your morals away from your stupid heart. Even betrays your brain.

Returning from my quick flashback session I eased up my mind to focus on my mission.

The lady standing beside me is Silvia, daughter of a wealthy merchant. She's married to the Earl's eldest son. Among all the ladies she has quite a bad past with the owner of my body—— Lucinda.

This bitch Silvia used her influence to turn all the ladies against Lucinda. She's kind of the leader of these group. Thanks to her efforts Eleanor was benefited the most. Her fan following got bigger.

Anyway, the main objective is, I have to teach her a lesson.

" But I may have to refuse your offer. You seem to welcome me but not my dear friend, Kathryn. She's been standing with me since the moment we entered but you all have ignored her till now." Now if this incident would happen in my time, it won't be an issue.

But you see, I'm a queen. The most powerful women in the country. Therefore my opinion matters most.

On the other hand Kathryn is second to my tittle. She's the wife of duke, the duchess of this kingdom. Even her maiden family is quite famous. It is regarded as an insult if you don't greet the higher ups properly. This is the basic rules of etiquettes.

" W-we apologise for such mistake. Lady Kathryn, please forgive us." The confidence dropped from her face, making her look uneasy. Yet she managed to stay calm.

Don't worry. You won't be able to face us in the future after we are done with you.

" For what?" With a steel hard voice Kathryn said. Her eyes had the flames as if they can burn down anything.

Ho!ho! Interesting.

Seems like she's already in the mood. Unlike Lucinda, Kathryn isn't a meek shy lady. She avoids the crowd and maintains her high status.

But she's quite a fearsome lady. These squad of bitches hadn't interacted with Kathryn which is why they don't know about her character.

" We apologise for not greeting you.....Right everyone?" Silvia tried to apologise with her dried throat. Her fake smile was screening with fright.

" Yes." The third girl said.

" Yes" the girl wearing green dress joined her.

" Definitely." Another girl spoke and others nodded their heads.

" They seem to realise their mistakes. Let's not make an issue out of it. I bet Lady Silvia is worried which made her forget her etiquettes." Like a sly cunning fox, I played the card of fake charity. Ironically my kindness was just an excuse to offend her more in front of these crowd of abhorrent women.

" Pardon?" Chuckling softly Silvia asked being completely clueless.

" It's okay, Lady Silvia. I understand that you must blame me for putting your friend, Eleanor, into such situation. But trust me, I have nothing to do with her banishing into the cold palace." The game is on! You think I was trying to help you out?

Ha! You dumb bitch

" Of course, Her Highness. How can I think of such assumptions." Other ladies we're were silent in order to stay out of any trouble. They only watched us slandering their so called 'leader'.

" Then why did you offended Lady Kathryn? That was so rude of you." I replied in a grumpy tone, maintaining my eye contact with her.

" I-I wasn't... trying to-" Silvia choked up her words.

" Her Highness, please let us give a chance to show our sincerity." A girl got up and nervously spoke up to me. Oh? You are helping out your companion?

" Fine then. My throat feels so dry. What about you Kathryn?"

" Anyone would be thirsty after getting into a stupid argument." Kathryn said in a pestering tone.

" I'll get some drinks for you." Hurriedly Silvia left the room to bring some drinks. Now that's what she's was supposed to be doing here. Working as the fucking waitress. Suits her well.

" That would be nice."

" So, His majesty is finally showing some affection-" Again the girl who helped Silvia before spoke up. But her choice of words were so damned intimidating that I had to butt in.

" If it wasn't for some home wreckers, we wouldn't have the separation. At the end of the day, true love will win. So we had to be together. Better late than never, right?"

" Y-y-yes, yes. Most certainly." She learned her spot and backed down. I guess my answer was enough to shut her mouth.

" But the concubines have their rights on His majesty. You can not just blame them." The girl wearing a red dress spoke up. I quickly studied her features while trying to remember her from the past. She looked same old as me.

Okay. Who the hell this bitch think she is ?

Her name was Isabell and she's married to the marquess. Even though her rank is lower than me, she dared to make such a bold statement. In fact her rank is lower than Kathryn.

I was so fucking mad at her. Even Kathryn looked extremely annoyed by her filthy statement.

You think it's funny to share your husband with other women?

You thinks it's my responsibility to let him have his ways with other women so that he can make a poultry farm of his kids?

" Oh. Then you must be willing to let your husband have ten wife. How generous of you! Lady Isabell. I wish I could have a kind heart like you." Right back at her. I used her line on herself. It worked just fine.

Her husband, the marquee looks after the border area of our kingdom. Thus he could easily defend the potentially hostile neighbour countries.

A guy like him is also an important member of our kingdom who can be used. In these era men are allowed to have many mistresses and wives to gain political favours.

Oh Isabell, what an hypocrite you are!

Few seconds ago, you were lecturing me on the topic of sharing my husband with others. Now look at you! How terrified, how frightened you are.

Scared enough to pee in your pants.

Just the sound of it made your ground shake in horror. Imagine what will happen if your husband ends up marrying ten girls. Ha!ha! Have some taste of your own medicine.

Feel the pain and terror that Lucinda had to face in those past years. No matter how much she loved Timothy wholeheartedly, she had this insecurities haunting her every single nights like a hideous nightmare.

Who wouldn't?

If they had to live in a situation where they had to share their beloved husband with other ladies, it would be a living nightmare for them.

" T-that's not wh-" Isabell is regretting and repenting like hell. Her skin became faded as it lost the colour. Even her eyes were filled with chaos and fear. She probably thinking ' What did I got myself into?'.

Damn bitch, you just dig up your own grave.

" Very well then. I shall talk with His Majesty and arrange some capable ladies for your husband. This way we can strengthen our bonds with neighbour countries. Your husband is such a lucky man to have you. I bet, our kingdom will be benefited greatly by this generous efforts." I gave her a sinister smile. The results made me quite happy.

I was satisfied with the progress of my slay-these-bitches mission.

In reality Isabell doesn't have a good family background. She somehow tricked the Marquee and made him marry her. Her status is the result of their marriage. Without that she's nothing but a lowly woman who can bewitch men.

I wonder how did she accomplished such thing. There's nothing special about her appearance. She's not that good looking or charming. Maybe the Marquee is a dumbass.

Sigh! Not like I'm the one who married her.

~ to be continued