The New Entry

KJ was in a restless sleep. His dreams were plagued by a familiar memory...

"Honey," Mirae was looking at him with pleading eyes. "Please come and visit my parents' graves. It is their death anniversary."

"I don't have time," Jiwon said, shortly. "I have to work double shifts that day. They are paying me a hefty amount for the birthday party."

"Still," she insisted. "You can take some time off to just pay respects. The graveyard is not that far. All you have to do is show your face there. My parents' souls would be at ease."

"I can't," Jiwon argued back. "I have work. You'll have to go alone."

He turned away from her. He heard her soft sniffles but ignored it. There was a lot of work to do.

"I'm going to bed," he announced. "Are you coming or not?"

"I-I'll join you in a minute," Mirae said in a heavy voice.

Jiwon sighed. "You know I'm just very busy that day," he explained. "I'm working hard for us. You gotta understand that."

"I know," she assured him. "I understand. I'll not bother you with this matter again."

Mirae slowly crept up behind him and hugged him from behind. Jiwon was surprised. He felt her leaning against his back, resting her head.

"You're working really hard for us," she said softly. "Thank you."

Jiwon was stunned but gave a small smile. He pulled her wrist and turned towards her. She barely looked up at him when he scooped her up in a deep kiss. He felt her soft lips against his, burying his tongue deeper into her mouth. Mirae let out a soft moan as she bit his lower lip, hungry for more.

Jiwon pulled her to the bed next to them and towered over her delicate body. He quickly got rid of her nightgown and began kissing all over her body. She was very ticklish; her body heating up at his kisses. She pulled him up and kissed him again, tasting his sweet scent.

"Honey," Mirae said breathlessly. "I-"


Ring! Ring!

KJ woke with a start. He checked his bedtime alarm clock. It was 7 am in the morning and he had to be at the studio by 8 am. KJ groaned in frustration.

"You were rolling around in your sleep," Jade commented. "Bad dream?"

"No," KJ replied. "I wish it had continued forever."

"Eh?" Jade frowned.

"You won't understand," KJ shrugged him off. He got off the bed and headed for the bathroom. After a cold shower, KJ stepped out, drying his hair. He put on some clothes and afterwards, refilled Jade's cat bowl.

"I'll be late today," he informed the cat. "I'm putting an extra bowl out for your dinner."

"Mmmhmmm," the cat mumbled as he ate. He was too engrossed in his food to listen to KJ. The latter sighed and exited the apartment.

Once at the corridor, KJ glanced at the apartment next to his. For a while, he debated whether to knock or not. Finally, he gathered the courage to knock.

"Honey, you in there?" KJ knocked. But there was no response. Did she go somewhere? KJ wondered.

After a while, KJ gave up and walked away. He will try talking to her at night. Pushing away all thoughts about Mirae, KJ focused on getting to work on time. He went to the parking lot downstairs and entered his car, to drive towards the studio.

When he entered the recording studio, the others were already seated. Ash was listening to music with his headphones on while Jinhyun was tuning a guitar and Dasom was fast asleep on the couch. KJ took the seat next to Ash, who acknowledged him with a nod.

"What's going on guys?" KJ asked, feeling a little annoyed. They were called in early by Nae Sang the night before. He asked the group to come early to the studio.

"Nae Sang called us for some important news," Jinhyun piped up. "Our new staff members are coming in today. We'll be introduced to them."

"New staff members?" KJ frowned. Why was Nae Sang hiring new staff when a death threat was looming on KJ's head? What if they were spies of the Cartel?

CEO Nae Sang strode into the room. Ash pinched Dasom awake.

"What the hell?" Dasom cursed out. He groggily rubbed his eyes only to find the others were staring at him exasperatedly.

"What's the news you wanted to relay, CEO Nae Sang?" Dasom yawned.

"Now that everyone's awake," Nae Sang shot a glare at Dasom's direction. "I would like to introduce you to our new staff member. We've hired a new PA for EXOTIC."

"Wait," KJ held up his hand. "A new PA? What if this new PA is a spy for the Cartel?"

The others sat up. Even Ash took off his headphones, listening intently.

"Nonsense!" CEO Nae Sang laughed. "I've looked into her background. She is not related to the Cartel at all. I had her records checked thoroughly by the police as well. They cleared her after a detailed examination of her background. She's totally clean."

"If she is with the Cartel," Jinhyun started. "It will be very easy to have her details forged."

"Oh don't worry," CEO Nae Sang laughed. "Even the representative of Abyss cleared her. And Abyss has never been wrong about their claims."

The mention of Abyss caught KJ's attention. From the corner of his eye, he also noticed Ash sat up straighter and was listening carefully.

"If Abyss cleared her, then she must be trustworthy," CEO Nae Sang said cheerfully, oblivious to KJ and Ash's sudden attentiveness.

"Where is she?" Ash asked in a quiet tone. KJ was surprised by his sudden interest. Ash usually did not bother about the staff members. But now, his eyes betrayed a fleeting curiosity.

"She'll be here in a minute," Nae Sang said, checking his watch.

"Who is your contact in Abyss?" KJ demanded. "The CEO?"

"Uhhh no," Nae Sang replied. "Abyss members use code names. I am usually in contact with a man who calls himself Riggs. I've never even met the CEO. I don't even know his name."

The fact that Nae Sang referred to the CEO as a 'he' proved KJ's theory right: Nae Sang never met the CEO of Abyss.

Ash smirked. He too had an inkling that Nae Sang did not know the CEO. Now, he was very curious about the new addition to their group.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Sir, may I enter?"

The voice made both KJ and Ash freeze on their spot.

"Come in," Nae Sang ordered.

The door slowly creaked open. Standing behind it was a brown haired, porcelain beauty with green eyes.

"Hello," she said in a timid tone, as she bowed low. "My name is Jung Mirae. Nice to meet you all."