Idle Idol

Mirae came downstairs after half an hour, wearing Ash's oversized shirt and boxers. He already laid out the breakfast on the table but he was nowhere around. Mirae headed towards the table only to find a note.

"Will be back in an hour," he wrote. "Eat up!"

She smiled and decided to wait for him. Instead, she scanned around the house. The antiques he collected fascinated her. There was a vase which belonged to a Korean emperor, a rare painting of a forgotten queen and many more items. Mirae recalled a reality program where Ash once showed a peek into his home and displayed these collectibles. His pursuit of art was admirable to her.

As she went through the antiques, her eyes fell on the old book once again. Something drew her towards it. She could not put her finger on it, but for some unknown reason, she sympathized with the wife of the story.

Mirae vaguely heard the front door open and shut.

"Mirae?" Ash called out.

"I'm here!" she responded, her focus still on the book. She felt two hands creep up to her from behind and hugged her. He landed a kiss on her neck and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"The girl from this story," she replied. "She suffered so much because of the person she loved. Even though it wasn't her fault."

"It's just an old tale," Ash assured her.

"Still..." Mirae trailed off. Ash gently turned her around and held her cheeks in his hands.

"It's just a story, Mirae," he said firmly. "Don't get sad over it."

She sighed. "Where did you run off to?" she queried.

He motioned at all the bags he dropped on the couch. Mirae peeked at them curiously. He went out to buy her moisturizers, shampoos and other essentials from different brands all of which were strawberry flavored.

"How did you know I use strawberry flavored stuff?" she laughed.

"You smell like strawberries," he said sheepishly. "Last night, you tasted like strawberries."

She gaped at him and jabbed him with her finger. "So shameless," she teased.

"Not as much as you," he shot back. Making a face at him, Mirae opened another bag, only to find that he brought her lingerie as well. She burst into laughter, imagining him wandering around the lingerie store.

"I think we should eat," Ash suggested, turning red. Mirae followed him, still laughing at his expression.

"I don't have a schedule today," he said, as he drew out a chair for Mirae. "What about you?"

"I left Riggs to take care of my work at Abyss," Mirae stated, stuffing herself with pancakes. After the long night, she was ravenous. "And KJ's building is well protected by his men. They increased the security there. So he'll be fine. I hope."

"I am curious about one thing though," Ash frowned. "Does KJ know that you are the CEO of Abyss?"

"He never saw my face," Mirae replied. "I wore a mask and sunglasses every time I met him. But, I don't think he knows EXOTIC's new assistant and Abyss' CEO are the same person."

"That's strange," Ash muttered.

"What is strange?"

"The day you were introduced as our new assistant," Ash recalled. "He had a panic attack."

"Panic attack?" Mirae raised her brows.

"KJ suffers from panic disorder," Ash explained. "He keeps it a secret, but I found out after I caught him in the middle of a panic attack. Since then, I've observed he gets these attacks whenever he is under stress or is panicking. Which is why I asked, if he panicked on seeing you, or was it something else?"

This new information put Mirae into a deep thought. She remembered how he called her by her real name on the night they met. She must look into it.

"I'll have to ask around regarding this," Mirae decided. "Anyways, about your sister. Did you talk to her?"

They sent Jea away to USA a day before the ship incident. Ash dropped her off at the airport, where Riggs and his men boarded her on a private plane.

"I did," he said quietly.

"Was she sad?" Mirae asked in a gentle tone.

"She was," Ash replied. "But she knew it was for her own good so she did not protest. Jea is...she is strong."

Mirae did not probe further on the topic. She knew, he would not elaborate further on his struggles he had to go through with his sister. They finished their breakfast in silence.

Afterwards, Ash cleared up the table, overturning Mirae's insistence to help him with the dishes. She pouted watching him wash the dishes and put them away.

Ash noticed her sulking like a child and grinned in amusement. He walked over to her and put his hands on her waist. She was so small that it was hard to imagine this little woman was the owner of a mercenary organization.

To her surprise, he lifted her up and put her on the counter.

"We have the whole day to ourselves," he said playfully. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"We can't go out," Mirae rolled her eyes. "What if your fans recognize you? Let's watch TV instead. Besides, it's your day off. You should relax at home."

Ash gave her a quick kiss before helping her off the counter and led her to the living room.

"What do you wanna watch?" he asked.


Ash flicked through Netflix before he chose a recent horror movie. Mirae snuggled on to him, hugging him tightly. He held her back, pulling her close to him.

The movie started. It was a very cliche horror about a gang of teenagers trying to escape a haunted house. For Ash and Mirae, who have seen worse things, the movie held no interest. They quickly got bored of it.

Mirae, who noticed Ash's bored expression, gave a sly smile. His hand was resting on her shoulder. She slowly took it in her hand and slid it under the shirt she was wearing. Ash, who feigned interest in the movie, was aware of her naughty antics. Instead of turning to her, he kept his eyes fixed on the screen but his hands were gently stroking her nipples. Mirae was getting turned on as he pressed her erotic spots.

"Are you really concentrating on the movie?" she asked in a raspy voice.

"It's mildly amusing," he gave a slow grin. His hand was squeezing her breast, leaving shivers down her spine. Frustrated by his mischievous acts, Mirae pounced on him, settling on his lap, facing him. She hungrily gave him sloppy kisses, but Ash quickly took control of the kiss.

She felt his member hardening. Sitting up straight, she deliberately rubbed against him. Groaning into her mouth, Ash held her bottom. He grabbed her hips and tightened it around his waist as Mirae clung on to him. She thought he was leading her to the bedroom again but instead he led her to the bathroom.

He took her inside the shower and turned on the water, drenching them. The shirt she wore, clung to her curves, making her look sensual. They slowly undressed each other till both of them were stark naked. Before Ash could bend in, she slightly pushed him back.

"Wait," she stopped him. "I want to do something."

He was confused when she bent down to face his member. Shyly, she took it in her mouth, licking the salty liquid dripping from it. Initially surprised, Ash decided to let her indulge herself as he immersed in extreme pleasure. Mirae lunged it into her mouth, sucking it gently. His felt and orgasm built up as he felt her tongue toying with his dick.

"Mirae..." he whispered in a sexy voice. Amused by his pleasure, she quickened her licks, forcing him to cum in her mouth. Ash felt his orgasm burst and Mirae quickly lapped it with her tongue. He lifted her up, steadying her as she almost lost her balance in a daze.

He dived in for a kiss, this time slow and gentle. Pushing her against the shower's wall, he kept on kissing her while his fingers worked on her clit. She slightly bit into his lower lip as she felt his fingers inside her, moving in and out. The water pouring on them did not help soothe the heat rising in their bodies. Mirae's body responded to his touches. He knew where to touch her and push her soft buttons.

"Ash..." she moaned, calling out his name. "I think I'm going to come..."

"Who stopped you?" he asked hoarsely, throwing her own words at her. He hastened his fingers in her, taking delight in her moans.

She came on his fingers, as she felt her semen flowing uncontrollably. Ash took out his fingers and spread her legs apart. Mirae, in her hypnotic state, welcomed him, as his cock entered her. He gently spooned her, moving into her softly but frequently. Unlike last night when both of them were high on pleasure, he was tender as he kept thrusting into her. She circled her legs around his waist and her hands held onto his shoulders. He grabbed her bottom to support her as he gently pushed and pulled into her.

"This," Mirae breathed as he humped inside her.

"Mirae..." he grunted, taking her boob into his mouth. He bit it, sucked on it until it was raw and proceeded on to her other breast. As the water splashed on them, they reached a climax, more pleasurable than anything they did last night.

"Oh shit!" Ash suddenly realized. "I didn't use a condom."

He was about to pull away when Mirae stopped him.

"Don't stop," she ordered. "I'm on pills."

She gently coaxed him into continuing till they reached another orgasm.

After an hour of 'showering', they finally came out, wearing bathrobes. It was almost lunchtime and they were starving.

"Let's order from outside," Mirae said lazily as she hugged him. "Or do you wanna go somewhere?"

Before Ash could respond, his phone rang. He grabbed it off the dresser and checked the caller ID. It was KJ.

"Hey Jiwon," he greeted. Meanwhile Mirae also checked her phone for messages. She was surprised to see eight missed calls from KJ.

"Where were you?" KJ demanded. "I've been calling you since morning!"

" phone was on silent," Ash lied as Mirae showed him all the missed calls from KJ. "I've been trying to reach you. Can we meet up? Today?"

"Sure," Ash replied. "Where?"

"South Point Hotel," Jiwon said. "VIP Room number 6. Be there in an hour. I'm going to call the CEO of Abyss as well. There's something the two of you need to know."

Ash replied with an "okay", and hung up.

"He's going to call you too," he informed her. Sure enough, Mirae's phone rang up within a minute.

"Yes, KJ?" she responded.

"Meet me at South Point Hotel," he said curtly. "In an hour. At VIP room number 6."

With that, he hung up the phone.

"Looks like we'll have to take a raincheck on the rest of our date," Ash told her.

"Mm hmm..." Mirae agreed. "We'll have to leave separately though. If we go there together, KJ might get suspicious about us."

Ash nodded in agreement. They quickly got dressed. Mirae wore the clothes Ash bought for her and borrowed one of his face masks and caps.

"I can't take all this stuff now," Mirae said, pointing at the bags full of toiletries and clothes. "There are so many bags. These won't fit in my car!"

"You can leave them here," Ash commented casually. "You'll be coming here frequently anyway."

Mirae blushed at his words.

"I should go," she said, feeling flustered.

"See you in a while," Ash said, escorting her out. Mirae stood on tiptoes and lightly pecked his lips.

Ash sighed. "That's a lousy kiss," he playfully complained.

"Really?" Mirae gasped. "Then what about this?"

She crushed into his lips, thoroughly exploring his delicious mouth. Before his temptation to bring her back inside and continue their daylong tryst took over, Ash let go.

"We have work to do," he reminded her.

Mirae groaned in annoyance before putting on the mask and cap and headed towards the elevator, inwardly cursing KJ to go bald.