Madam Hong (2)

KJ and Hyun Jung were in deep conversation. They met up at KJ's personal studio, which was situated around Hyewha Dong. It was actually their secret hideout. No one knew of its location nor did the place pop up in any map. It was kept in complete seclusion.

"Madam Hong won't be easy to deal with," Hyun Jung said, feeling worried. "She is quite a formidable foe. Even if Ash manages to get information on Teppei, there is no guarantee that she won't harm him afterwards."

"We'll have to keep her under our control then," KJ said thoughtfully. "We need to have a leverage over her. Keep her from hindering our plans."

"But why are you using Ash for this?" Hyun Jung asked. "You could have done this yourself."

"I wanted to," KJ admitted. "I didn't want to send Ash as the mole. But she was interested in him and outright rejected my offer."

"Why was she interested in him?"

KJ was quiet for a while. He sent his men to find out the reason for Madam Hong's persistence for Ash. What he found out, only baffled him.

"A few days ago," he finally started. "There was an auction. Madam Lim, whose body we found at the port, was the one who organized it. She put up Ash to be sold to the highest buyer."

"WHAT?" Hyun Jung exclaimed. "That's...that's..."

"It's despicable," KJ said in a bitter tone. "He was put up for auction like some pig for slaughter. Madam Hong was not there but her representatives attended the auction and were about to place the highest bid, when suddenly a mysterious benefactor donated a cool two hundred million dollars for Ash."

"Two hundred million dollars?" Hyun Jung almost choked. "Who would spend that amount of money?"

"I tried to find out," KJ said. "But the information about the buyer is very well hidden. Moreover, it was a cash transaction. It's difficult to trace."

"Anyways," he continued. "This hurt Madam Hong's pride. She lost her prized jewel to a random person. She couldn't take it. Hence, she wanted Ash at any cost."

"So that's why you sent him," Hyun Jung concluded. "But if she finds out that he's a mole planted by us, she'll not hesitate to kill him."

"Which is why we need to be aggressive," KJ said in frustration. "We need to strike first and hard."

"But she has a powerful backing," Hyun Jung frowned. "How are we going to make her spill the information."

KJ lips cracked into a smile. "If things go according to my plan," he smirked. "Madam Hong will beg us for mercy on her knees."

"What are you thinking to do KJ?" Hyun Jung whispered, unable to take the suspense.

"You'll see," KJ smiled.

Hyun Jung felt somewhat at ease at KJ's words. Ever since that day at the hotel, he had doubts about using Ash as bait to seduce Madam Hong. The CEO of Abyss was right in her stance. Why throw him back into that dark world? What if the plan failed and Ash's life was endangered?

But after hearing KJ's words, he was certain that Ash was in safe hands. KJ might be a cold person, but he would never put his friends in danger willingly. He would protect them from the shadows even if it is at the risk of his own life. After all, the real target of the Cartel is KJ.

"What can I do to help?" Hyun Jung asked.

KJ leaned forward. "Listen to me very carefully."

They spent hours, discussing every aspect of KJ's plan. After getting all the details, Hyun Jung departed to gather all the things needed to make this plan a success. It relied a lot on luck but it was better than nothing.

KJ got up from the couch and let out a yawn. It was late at night and he decided to head back home.

"Where have you been?" Jade demanded as he entered the house. "I've been waiting for you!"

"Got caught up with Hyun Jung over Operation Madam Hong," KJ replied as he settled on his sofa.

"Ahh, the one where Ash will be seducing the woman to get info on Teppei," Jade recalled. "But wasn't he already bought off at an auction by someone? What if that person found out about Ash's work? Wouldn't she retaliate?"

His words made sense. If Ash's 'Buyer' found out about this, how would she react? If she was as dangerous as Madam Hong, then Ash would be in more danger.

"Did you find out who that buyer is?" Jade asked him.

"No," KJ said in frustration. "Not a single clue. It's as if the buyer doesn't exist. We checked everything. The CCTV footage at the club, asked around Madam Lim's acquaintances and even the people at the bar. But all the footage from that day was removed and no one saw anything. Even my hackers couldn't recover the camera clips from the club. They even went online to scan through hundreds of social media profiles in search of some clue. But all posts related to that club were deleted. We hit a dead end."

Jade wagged his tail, deep in thought. "Only three organizations can undertake such extreme measures to hide themselves. One if your one, the other is the Cartel and the third one is Abyss."

KJ pondered over his words. It definitely was not him who removed the evidence from that night. Moreover, he could not find a reason for the Cartel to use such extreme measures for a pimp's auction. That only left...

"Abyss?" KJ frowned. "Why would Abyss go to such lengths for Ash? As far as I know, he was only one of Cartel's many escorts. Even if he was popular among their customers, it doesn't make sense for Abyss to interfere with the auction."

"Why don't you ask the CEO yourself? Or ask Ash directly," Jade suggested.

"Ash won't tell," KJ said. "He is very secretive and reserved. If he really was rescued by Abyss, then he'll be extremely grateful to them and will keep his mouth shut."

"Ask the CEO then," Jade prompted him.

"She won't spill either."

"Nonetheless, ask her," Jade urged. "Just assess her answer."

He was right. Rather than beating around the bush, it would be best to ask the CEO directly about her connection to Ash. He got up and headed towards the apartment next door.

"Wait!" Jade called after him. "I'll come too. I wanna see the drama between the two of you!"

Jade jumped off the couch and followed his master to the CEO's unit.

Before KJ could ring the doorbell, it whooshed open. A masked figure was standing at the doorway.

"Perfect timing," the CEO clapped her hands. "I was about to call you anyway."

"Why?" KJ narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"We have to go somewhere," the CEO said.


"To meet the Psycho," she informed him