The Promise

Mirae turned up early at the studio next morning. After bidding farewell to Somi, she headed straight for her workplace, to start preparing for the day early. To her surprise, Ash was already at the studio.

"What are you doing here this early?" she asked in astonishment. It was only 7:30 am and artists did not come in till 10 am.

"Didn't go home," he replied. "I was here all night."


"I just didn't want to be home alone," he admitted. "I usually hang out here whenever I don't feel like going home."

Mirae felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach. In her desperation to subdue Madam Hong, she forgot how alone Ash really was in all this.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I should have been there with you."

"What are you talking about?" he asked in a sharp tone. "Don't forget, what our mission is. You're the CEO of Abyss. If you're going to neglect your duties for me, then you'll fail in bringing down the Cartel."

"I know," Mirae sighed, as she sat down next to him. "Sometimes, I wonder, are my efforts enough? Every time I get a lead on them, I hit a dead end. It's as if I'm chasing a ghost, you know? In the process, I keep losing the people I care about. So many members of Abyss lost their lives in this cause. I've seen people dying in front of me. I keep on thinking, I couldn't protect them! And now, you're also taking up this dangerous task..."

Her words were cut off by Ash, who placed a light kiss on her.

"Don't worry," he assured her. "I'll be fine."

"I know," she replied. "KJ told me everything about his plans. But I still can't help but feel ominous. What if something goes wrong?"

"Mir, you have to trust KJ," Ash said in a firm tone. "He knows what he's doing."

"I'll trust his words," Mirae said. "Only if you promise me that after we make Madam Hong spill the beans on Teppei, you will never endanger your life like this again. You will not return to that dark world again. Do you promise?"

Ash sighed. "I do," he promised. "Only if you promise that after the Cartel is destroyed, we will leave this country and go far away from everything here. We've lost a lot. There's no reason for us to remain here."

Mirae was quiet for a while.

"I promise," she said at last. "Just come back to me safely. Please."

He took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Mirae smiled at him and put her head on his shoulder.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" he asked.

"No," she replied. "You?"

"Not yet," he said. "I was about to head over to the hotel nearby for breakfast. Wanna tag along?"

"We can't go there," Mirae frowned. "What if your fans find us?"

"They won't," he said. "I own the place."

He got up and gestured her to follow him. She obliged and as they headed out, they put on their masks and sunglasses to avoid detection.

The receptionist at the lobby greeted them as they entered. Ash was one of the important shareholders in their hotel and he had his own room allotted for himself.

"Please give me the key for room number 612," he requested her. "Also, please send some breakfast to the room."

"Breakfast time starts at 9 am, sir," the receptionist said. "We will send it to your room around that time, sir."

"Alright," Ash replied. "Please hand me the key."

She obliged, handing him the keys and he led Mirae to the elevator.

"Is this what they call, office romance?" she teased him.

"Guess so," he winked at her.

Once they entered the room, they took off their masks. It was a one bedroom suite room with a separate kitchen and dining area. The decor was similar to Ash's apartment.

Mirae stood, observing the room, when Ash hugged her from behind.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, kissing her neck. Mirae leaned back on his shoulder, absentmindedly stroking his arms.

"I hate hotels," she admitted. "After my parents passed away, old man Kwon hid me in hotels. It was for my safety, but I hated it. These rooms always make me feel lonely."

Ash turned her around. He cupped her face in his hands and pecked her on the lips.

"You are not lonely anymore," he said. "I'm here for you."

"I know," she said quietly. "But for how long?"

"As long as you'll need me," he said, giving her a deep kiss. He felt her respond as she put her hands behind his head, pulling him closer. Her tongue dove into his mouth, tasting him hungrily while he licked her lips with equal hunger. He felt her gasping for air as their lips crashed against each other.

She felt his hands exploring her body. His hands slipped under her trousers and soon, his fingers were tracing her opening. He gently rubbed her, making her moan into his mouth. She felt his fingers tickling her, teasing her until her wetness was starting to spread. Stealthily, he inserted his fingers into her, stroking her insides.

Almost a week passed by since the last time they were intimate with each other and her suppressed urge to be with him was breaking apart. As his fingers tore into her, she held on to him for life. Ash smirked at her eagerness and fastened his pace inside her.

"Mir," he purred in her ears. "If you hate hotels, then we can leave right now."

Mirae's expression was a mix of pure ecstasy and a murderous one saying 'don't-you-dare-stop'. He chuckled and scooped her into another kiss.

Mirae almost lost her balance but Ash held her tight, as his tongue plunged into hers.

"Ash," she gasped. "Let's go to the bedroom."

Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. He slowly lifted up her sweater and unhooked her bra to reveal her perky breasts to him.

She was about to pull him on top of her when Ash stopped her.

"Wait," he said. "Last time, you tried something on me. Now it's my turn."

"Huh?" Mirae asked in puzzlement. Ash gave her a cryptic smile and proceeded to take off her stockings.

"Lie down," he ordered. "And put your hands above your head."

Mirae obliged and put her hands above her head, holding the bedpost. Ash tied her hands to the post with her stockings.

"Kinky," Mirae giggled.

"You don't like it?" Ash asked, hovering over her. He placed a kiss on her neck, making her draw a sharp breath.

"Let's see," she teased him. Ash smiled and proceeded to take off her trousers and underwear.

"Careful," he warned playfully, as he took off his pants and boxers. "You won't be able to get enough of me."

"Prove it," she whispered, gulping at the sight of his bulging member. Taking her challenge, he traced his hands over her body. She felt his cool fingers moving from her neck, making her skin feel goosebumps. He gently bit on her soft flesh, licking her erotic spot. His fingers traced to her nipples, making small circular motions.

Mirae burned under his touch. She wanted to hold him closer and pull him towards her breasts but he was teasing her, toying with her neck. The urge to touch him was too strong but the bindings prevented her. It was a new sensation.

She felt his lips move from her neck as he licked all the way down to her breasts. He tasted her hardened nub, sucking on it.

"Mmm..." Mirae moaned in pleasure as she squirmed underneath him. Ash showed her no mercy. He bit her nipple, leaving a visible mark on it and tasted it till it became pink and sore. He then moved to the other one, making her arch in delirium.

"I want to touch you," Mirae groaned under his merciless attack.

"No," he said in a hoarse tone and continued to suck her breast. Mirae wiggled in pleasure, feeling his lips gnaw her.

"I need you, Ash," she said in ecstasy. "In me."

"Not now, Mir," Ash said in his sexy raspy voice. As he played with her breasts, his fingers once again slipped into her clit. It was already wet as he pushed his long fingers into her, making her scream in pleasure.

"Deeper," Mirae exclaimed as she spread her legs. Her urge to touch him was unbearable as he pounced her insides with his fingers and at the same time, attacked her breasts with intense ferocity. The double attack clouded her mind. An orgasm was building up as she felt her clit getting wetter.

Ash moved his mouth from her breasts and trailed all the way down to her opening, taking out his fingers. Holding her legs in place, he entered her with his tongue, leaving a jolt of pleasure across her body.

Mirae felt her body shake as Ash's tongue licked her insides. She wanted to pull him closer to her, touch his well built body and erect cock. But her hands were tightly bound.

Ash kept on licking her.

"Mmmm..." Mirae's muffled moans were heard throughout the room. She wanted to wrap her legs around him but he held on to her legs. "Ash..."

He kept on licking her till Mirae's body gave another jolt and she felt her orgasm as her liquids flew out. She cried out in pleasure, as Ash licked her dry.

"Ash...please," she begged. She did not know when they will be together again after this. At that moment, she needed him, wanted to touch him.

Ash crawled over her and gave her a kiss. Mirae felt the tip of his cock tease her opening, as he gently spooned her wet clit. She moaned but it was blocked by his lips. His hands were rubbing her nubs.

"Ash," she mumbled. "Please."

"Spread your legs more, Mir," Ash ordered hoarsely. Mirae widened her legs. He positioned his cock to her wet vagina and fully inserted himself into her.

Mirae welcomed the familiar heat sensation as he began to stroke in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. Ash plunged into her, ramming against her hard. Her yearned to touch him but the urge to hold him coupled with the ecstatic feeling of his cock increased her pleasure. She surrendered completely to him, letting him pound into her.

Ash bit on to her breasts as he moved inside her. Her walls were tightened against him, welcoming his every pounce. He quickened his movement, throwing himself and Mirae into a delicious euphoria. He felt his orgasm reaching its limit. Mirae was moaning under him, straddling on to him with her legs.

"Harder," she moaned. Ash thrust in harder till she arched upwards and climaxed.

"Ahhh..." she moaned as he continued to move inside her. He looked directly, into her eyes, his gaze full of a sensual hunger. Not breaking their eye contact, Ash pounded one last time before reaching his climax and released his orgasm inside her.

He slumped on her, both of them panting for air. Their sweaty bodies were still intertwined together.

"Ummm...Ash?" Mirae said after a while. "My hands hurt."

"Oh sorry," he apologized and got up to untie her hands. Mirae slowly got up, still feeling giddy from the intense session they just had.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked, feeling concerned. Did I overdo it? he wondered.

"I'm fine," she said hoarsely. "It felt very...passionate."

Ash laughed as Mirae's face turned tomato red. She smiled and snuggled over him for a kiss. They lay on the bed for a while, kissing and tasting each other. They were so engrossed that they did not hear the bell at first.

"I think it's our food," Mirae said, as Ash grazed on her nipples.

"I think I prefer eating you," he groaned playfully.