The Night Before the Ball**

Ash came out of the shower to see that Mirae was not in the room. She was sleeping soundly when he went into the bathroom. He put on his shirt and trousers before heading out of the room.

Mirae was in the kitchen, concentrating hard on a dish she was making. She was so focused on it, that she did not even notice Ash walking into the kitchen. He observed her as she overcooked the steak.

"Should I cook it more?" she wondered out loud. She increased the heat.

"Mirae don't-" Ash was about to warn her but he was too late. The hot oil sizzled dangerously and some of it splattered on Mirae's hand.

"Ow!" Mirae shrieked as hot drops of oil sprinkled on her hands. Thankfully, Ash's reflexes were fast enough to pull her away before the oil splashed on other parts of her body. He then turned down the heat.

Mirae held up her arm, tears forming in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked in a worried tone.

"I'm okay," she lied but her eyes said otherwise. He led her to the sink and ran her hands through the cold water.

"Mir, if you were hungry, then you should have just told me," he scolded her. "I'd have done the cooking!"

"I-I just wanted to make something for you," Mirae said, sulking. "Coz you're always cooking for me. And I couldn't even prepare a dish for you."

She looked down in disappointment. Ash sighed.

"Go sit at the table," he gently ordered her. "I'll fix dinner."

Still feeling dejected, Mirae went over to sit at the table. After half an hour, Ash strode over with two plates in his hands.

He set them on the table. To her surprise, he made her a new piece of steak while his plate had the one she burnt earlier.

"You're gonna eat that?" she asked in astonishment. "Don't! It's burnt!"

"It's edible," he said, taking a bite.

"Don't eat that! What if you get an upset stomach?"

"Trust me, this isn't the worst food I've had," he assured her. "If you can put so much effort for me, then the least I can do is at least taste this, right?"

"No, give me that one," Mirae demanded, getting up to head over to his side of the table. "You take my this one."

She tried to take away the burnt steak but Ash pulled it away from her grasp.

"No way! This is mine."

"You'll fall sick!" she exclaimed, still trying to pry the plate away from him, but he was fast. He held it over his head. Mirae, who was much shorter than him, struggled to reach that high.

"Give it up," he teased her.

"Pft," Mirae stomped her feet. "Don't blame me if you fall sick!"

Ash lowered the plate and shoved the rest of the steak in his mouth.

"I won't," he said. Mirae stopped struggling and went back to her plate, sulking like a child.

She poked her food with the fork.

"What happened?" Ash asked. "Are you still hung up on the burnt steak?"

"I'm a lousy girlfriend," Mirae said in a sad tone. "Not only am I a bad cook, but you were also dragged into my bleak world. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been involved with Madam Hong."

Ash shook his head. "Mir, you saved me that night," he said. "Why don't you get it? If it wasn't for you, someone like Madam Hong would have bought me off in that auction and I couldn't have protested at all! But, for the first time in years, I got to make my own choice. Spying on Madam Hong was my decision to make. I chose to aid you. I chose to protect my friend. I could have backed out of this and KJ wouldn't have protested at all! But I chose this. So stop feeling guilty!"

"I still can't help but feel that something is gonna go wrong!" Mirae exclaimed.

"I told you," Ash said patiently. "Trust KJ. He knows what to do."

"I wish I could trust him," she mumbled. Ash sighed and got off his seat. He took the cutlery from Mirae's hands and began to cut the steak for her. Since, she was not going to eat on her own, he would have to coax her into it.

"Eat," he requested her, stabbing the meat with the fork and holding it to her mouth.

"I'm not a child!" she mumbled. "I'm just not hungry."

"Nonetheless, eat," he told her firmly. She groaned and took a bite. He kept on insisting her to eat and watched over her till she finished her food.

After she was done, Ash put the dishes into the dishwasher and then returned to her side. She was still looking worried.

"Do you have to do this?" she asked. "Let's just abandon this plan. We don't need to corner Madam Hong. We'll find Teppei by other means."

"We may never get another chance," Ash reasoned. "This is the only chance we have right now! Just put your faith in me."

Mirae looked at him straight in the eye.

"If I feel anything going wrong tomorrow," she said. "Promise me, you'll abandon the whole thing and leave."

"If anything goes awry, I will grab you and leave," he promised. "I'm not leaving you behind."

Mirae bit her lip, still uncertain of the whole thing. She was having an ominous feeling...

Ash swooped in to give her a lingering kiss. Mirae's eyes widened in surprise.

"You worry too much," he teased her with a smile. "I'll be fine. You should focus on your actual mission. You're here to protect KJ and catch the mastermind behind the cartel."

He was right. Mirae cannot afford to lose track of her actual goal. She took a deep breath.

"You're right," she finally said. "We can't afford to lose. We'll have to succeed tomorrow but I will not sacrifice anyone in the process. Not anymore."

Ash smiled at the determination in her eyes. He leaned over to give her another light kiss but she pulled him into a fierce liplock. He straddled her on his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist, not breaking their kiss. Their tongues intertwined into a passion play, licking each other thoroughly.

"Mir," Ash gasped, breaking off the kiss. "Aren't you sore after today's activities?"

"I'm fine," she said. "I'm not that sore!"

She moved and sensitive area against his groin.

"Liar," Ash snorted. "I can tell you're very sore down there. We were very rough."

"Oh come on!" Mirae insisted. But once Ash said no to something, he is determined not to do it.

"Nope," he shook his head and let her down. Mirae was about to protest when her phone buzzed.

She took it out of her pocket to see a message from KJ. He texted her at the number she used as EXOTIC's PA.

"It's KJ," she informed Ash as she opened the message. He peered over to read it.

"Madam Hong informed me that you have our tickets for her private ball," he read aloud. "Be ready by 7 PM. I'll pick you up from your place."

"Your place?" he frowned. "Where will he pick you up from?"

"I'll just head over to one of my friend's place to get ready," Mirae replied. "And pass it off as my home."

"Which friend?"

"Oh my best friend," Mirae said. "Her code name is Heroine."

Ash did not probe further. All the members of Abyss lived with code names.

"What's my code name?" he asked. "Since, I'm also an impromptu member of Abyss."

"I don't know," she teased him. "I'm yet to decide on one."

She pulled him into a light kiss, which became deeper every second as their tongues dived into each other.

"What's the code name?" Ash asked between their kisses. His mouth trailed to her neck, biting them softly. Her skin was already full of red marks from his hickeys. Mirae felt the goosebumps on her skin.

"I thought you didn't want to do it tonight," she breathed.

"I won't," he said, pulling her closer. "But we can enjoy pleasures in other ways. So...what is my code name?"

He slowly unbuttoned her shirt, trailing his cool fingers over her skin.

"Mmph..." Mirae let out a soft moan as she felt his icy touch. He gently backed her off towards the couch and pushed her on it.

"What's my code name?" he repeated, taking one of her nipples in his mouth. Mirae's head was lost in ecstasy as he tasted her. He squeezed her other nipple, pinching it. Using his mouth, he ravished her before moving to the other nipple.

Mirae arched upwards, her mind muddled as he slowly traced his kisses all the way to her opening. In one swoop, he lowered her underwear and dug his tongue into her twat. His tongue tore into her opening, tasting her insides. He felt her getting hotter and wetter.

Wiggling underneath his delicious attacks, Mirae let out a moan as she felt her orgasm. She pulled him closer to her clit, directing his tongue towards her g-spot.

"What is my code name?" he rasped once again, his lips still sucking her dry.

"Ahh..." Mirae let out a sexy cry. "Ahh...your code"

"Say it."

"Ahh...Hitter...mmmph...for hitting...ahh...all the...mmm...right spots."

She managed to gasp in between her moans. Ash licked deeper, hitting her sensitive spot again and again. Mirae's eyes rolled back and she let out her juices.

Ash licked her up thoroughly and crawled over her to give her a light kiss. Mirae was exhausted by their activities and let out a yawn.

"Let's go to sleep," he nudged her. She did not protest as he stood up to carry her in his arms. He placed her on the bed.

"Will you stay tonight as well?" she asked sleepily. "I don't want to be alone."

"I'll be here," he said gently as he settled down beside her. She snuggled into his arms and soon fell asleep.

Ash looked at her sleeping form and held her closer. Even though he reassured her about tomorrow, he himself was skeptical of the plan's success. Will they manage to corner Madam Hong?

All he knew was that he wanted to protect Mirae. She did not need his protection but even so, he knew her mission mattered more to him than his life. Squeezing her tighter, he decided to put all his faith in KJ's plan. There was no scope to fail. For the sake of this girl, they must win.