The Party (2)

The couple who entered the party began to create a buzz. Everyone's eyes fell on the Nation's Idol. His jet black hair was sleek and brushed back which gave him a princely look. The black suit and red tie complimented with a rose corsage only added to his visual. But the most astonishing feature was his eyes. For once, his cold and calculative eyes sparked a softness in them as he gazed at the woman on his arms.

The green eyed beauty had an air of mystery. Her aloof expression and sly smirk made her an enchantress who was capturing everyone's attention. If the man next to her looked like a prince then she looked like a queen who was there to take back her throne.

The beautiful pair mesmerised everyone.

"Sir, they are all staring at us," Mirae said, feigning timidness.

"Are they?" KJ asked absentmindedly as his attention was entirely on the woman in his arms. He was enticed by her. Her entire being was enough to take his breath away. His eyes yearned for the familiarity in hers.

But her eyes were elsewhere. She was scanning through the crowd for another person, completely oblivious to the man next to her. KJ knew that her eyes would never search for him again. In this lifetime, her heart was set on someone else.

"Are you looking for someone?" his voice broke through her trance.

"I was just wondering if Mr. Park is going to attend as well," she replied. "He was invited too."

"He will be here soon," KJ informed her. She nodded and looked away once again.

He led her towards the bar at the end of the hall. A bartender was there, serving drinks.

"One Vodka for me," KJ ordered. "And a Raspberry Rhubarb Margarita for the lady."

He turned towards Mirae, only to be met with a quizzical look.

"How did you know?" she demanded.

"Know what?"

"The fact that I like Raspberry Rhubarb!" she said. "How did you know?"

Oh shit! KJ cursed inwardly. He completely forgot that she never mentioned her likes and dislikes to him in this life. He should have asked her to avoid this guffaw!

"The Raspberry Rhubarb is good here," he lied. "So I ordered it for you."

Mirae did not believe his words but she did not stress on the topic any more. It was best not to say anything in case if it led to an argument. She could not afford to fight with KJ.

Her attention, however, was captured by the new entrants to the party. Mirae's eyes flickered momentarily with a spark before it was replaced by a sharp disdain.

Ash was standing there, wearing a burgundy suit and matching shoes. He looked outerworldly and gave off a majestic aura. His grey eyes and gentle demeanor made him endearing to everyone around him. He did not reek of royalty; he was godly. People were so awed by him that they hardly paid any heed to the dark haired, slightly older woman standing next to him.

Mirae's face lit up upon seeing Ash but turned sour when she saw Madam Hong. However, she smirked slightly when she saw that Ash did not let Madam Hong hold his arm. Madam Hong spotted them at the bar.

"Your friends are here," she said, tugging Ash's arm. If he was annoyed by her touch, then he did not show it on his face. He wore his usual mask of indifference.

"Hi KJ," he greeted upon reaching them. "Ms. Mirae," he bowed slightly, addressing her. Mirae also bowed back.

"I see you two came together," Madam Hong giggled. "Are you two dating already?"

"I'm just here as his PA," Mirae said in a polite but cool tone while KJ raised his brows. Ash's eyes flickered for a second before feigning indifference again.

Madam Hong leaned over towards Mirae. "If you want, I can arrange for you to be more than his PA by the time the night is over," she whispered. Mirae felt her blood boiling but she kept her cool and managed to give a smile.

"Anyone wants drinks?" Ash spoke out, sensing the tension within Mirae.

"We've already ordered our ones," KJ replied. "You guys can order yours."

Ash placed orders for himself and Madam Hong before rejoining the group.

"So, Ms. Mirae," Madam Hong started. "How are you liking the party so far?"

"It's star-studded," Mirae replied. "I'm seeing so many celebrities here."

It was true. Even though Mirae was unfazed, the party had high profile celebrities, public figures, sports players and politicians. She carefully scanned them, memorizing their faces. These were not just simple public figures.

They were members of the Cartel. Madam Hong's clientele involved high profile members of the Cartel and these people were also her major sponsors. If they find out that the CEO of Abyss was among them, they would not hesitate to kill Mirae on the spot.

A group of politicians approached Madam Hong, wanting to talk to her.

"If you would excuse us," she said, taking her drink and tugging Ash's arm again. He nodded and followed her.

Mirae kept on staring at the couple, thinking hard on how to plan the next move.

"I was told that you had a thing for me," KJ said sullenly. "But it seems like your mind is elsewhere."

"No, sir!" Mirae said hastily. "Madam Hong must have been mistaken. I have no such feelings for you."

KJ scrutizined her and snorted.

"Good," he said, drinking his Vodka in one go. "Glad we have that sorted out."

Mirae frowned at him but he walked off. Mirae rolled her eyes and refocused her attention to Ash and Madam Hong. She was already tensed about the whole plan and she had no intentions of catering to the whims of a childish thirty year old man.

"Canapé, madam?" a waiter asked Mirae. Mirae, who was engrossed with the couple talking to the politicians, did not notice him at first.

"Canapé, madam?" the waiter repeated.

Annoyed by the intrusion, she was about to tell him off before realising who it was.

"Psycho?" she hissed. "What are you doing here?"

Other than Somi, only Psycho knew her real face. After all, he is the one who prepares her fake documents for the job application as EXOTIC's PA.

"KJ asked me to come for some... improvising," Psycho said cheerfully.

"What?" she gritted. "What improvisation? I wasn't informed of anything like that!"

"Well, you know now," Psycho replied.

KJ changed the plan without informing them? She frowned.

"What's the new plan?" she demanded.

"Just do your part," Psycho smiled mischievously. "And we'll do ours."

Mirae dreaded those words. What are you planning, KJ? she wondered.