The Party (5)

Madam Hong wore a see through, black negligee. With her slim figure and luscious curves, she knew she was irresistible to men. She took out a pill from her bag and popped it in her mouth. The aphrodisiac is the only way for her to enjoy sexual pleasures.

Ever since she was young, she could not get herself wet, no matter how much she tried. Her husband got tired of her lack of sexual prowess in bed and seeked pleasures elsewhere, leaving her distraught. They have not had sex for years and Madam Hong began to dab into the Cartel's businesses for distraction. She even prostituted herself to try and 'cure' her impotency but to no avail.

One day, a customer offered her aphrodisiac. She remembered that night too well. It was her first sexual awakening. That night, she felt her pleasures go to new heights. Her sexual impotency was temporarily gone and she felt an euphoria like no other. Since then, she went on a wild rampage, hunting for young men who would satisfy her. Many influential men striked business deals with her husband's company. What her husband did not know was that these deals were completed mainly due to the 'favors' Madam Hong provided them with.

Out of all the influential men she slept with, only one managed to slip away: Ash Park. Madam Hong tried many times to sleep with him, but the stubborn man was allowed to choose his own customers. She waited for him to choose her but he never looked her way. When he was put up for that auction by Madam Lim, she was ready to pay a hefty amount for him. But never in her wildest dreams, did she think that someone would actually have the audacity to buy him off, that too for 200 million dollars.

But now, he was going to be hers. Even though he was bound to that 'owner' of his, she will make sure to find that woman and make her suffer. The woman who took Ash away from her...the very thought made Madam Hong wild with jealousy. She felt the drugs kicking in. Her body was getting heated up, imagining the faceless woman and Ash in bed. The writhing jealousy in her was making her feel angry and horny.

She felt her womanhood getting wet. Taking off her thong, she began to rub her clit, thinking of Ash and that woman. She imagined herself underneath him, his member pouncing into her. She inserted her two fingers in herself, stroking hard and fast. The mixture of envy and pleasure was driving her insane. Her orgasm was building up, but she felt no pleasure. Only the real thing can give her any satisfaction.

In her haze, she heard the door open and shut. A blonde figure was heading towards her.

"Madam?" Ash's voice was a smooth melody to her. The drug was too potent; his figure was hazy but she heard his voice clearly. Without waiting, she pounced on him, ripping off his shirt and pants. She kissed him furiously, biting him and moaning against his lips. His fingers played with her opening while she stroked his manhood. 

She pushed him on the bed and climbed on top of him. She licked his cock, sucked on it as if it was the most delicious thing she ever tasted. He moaned as she lapped up his erection. He released his cum in her mouth as she hungrily drank it all.

"And now..." she panted in her daze. "The big moment."

His head was turned sideways when she took his erection and slowly inserted it inside her. She let out a loud moan and began to flap on it.

"Harder!" she ordered. He thrusted upwards as Madam Hong continued to pull in his shape. Her eyes were closed as she moaned in ectasy. Her orgasm was reaching its limit as he pushed in harder. Finally, she could no longer hold it in and let herself release.

"Ahhhh..." she let out an ecstatic cry and collapsed on top of him. Panting heavily, she smiled widely. Finally, the man she wanted was hers!

"That was...that was..." she breathed. "I want more. Wanna go another round?"

"Sorry, hun. It was a lousy lay," he sneered. Madam Hong's head snapped up at the voice. It was not a familiar voice. She looked up to see the grinning face in front of her. Suddenly, the door burst open.

"Caught red handed," KJ smirked as he held up a camera.


Mirae felt something cool touching her forehead. Even though her body was still warm, she felt a cold liquid surrounding her.

She slowly opened her eyes to see Ash was wiping her forehead with a cold cloth. 

"Ash?" she murmured. "Where am I? What happened?"

"You were accidentally drugged," he replied. "Madam Hong didn't spike our drinks. She mixed aphrodisiacs in her own wine."

"Madam Hong?" she suddenly snapped up her head only to fall back, feeling dizzy.

"Easy, now," Ash warned. "You're still under the influence of the drug. I stripped your clothes and placed you in cold water to reduce the effects. Fortunately, you only took a sip, so the drug didn't do much damage to you."

It was only then Mirae realized that she was stark naked in the tub. She instinctively covered herself with her hands.

"Why are you being shy?" Ash laughed. "I've already seen it all."

She pouted at him. Then she realized something.

"What happened to Madam Hong?" she asked. "You were supposed to be in the room and right before she got to do anything with you, KJ was supposed to blackmail her with the video. That was the plan."

She looked at him, demanding for answers.

"KJ changed the plan," Ash admitted. "He made someone else enter the room. Someone who was disguised as me. KJ gathered information on Madam Hong and realized that she must be using drugs to enhance her libido. Which is why he took advantage of this fact and sent someone else in there."

Mirae stared at him, feeling speechless.

"KJ never intended to send me in there," Ash went on. "He was always protecting us, Mir."

Mirae was still struggling to find words. She felt conflicted, unsure of what to say at this point. 

"Mir," Ash cajoled her. "Are you okay?"

To his surprise, she began to cry. She pulled herself up from the water and hugged him. He embraced her back, patting her head. She broke down in his arms, the weight of the past few days finally lifting off her.

Ash kept on holding her until she cried her heart out.