The Nation's Idol

The entire media was in a frenzy. Newspaper headlines only had pictures of KJ and EXOTIC was trending on all social media sites. Fans were frantically waiting outside the hospital, hoping to get a glimpse of their beloved idol. Online portals came up with many theories on how KJ got shot, but all of those were blasted away when the police report came out.

It was a planned attack by an unnamed anti-fan who was stalking KJ for months, the police claimed. The mention of Madam Hong and the Cartel's threats to KJ's life was kept a secret.

Instead, with the help of Abyss, Mystic Entertainment concocted a story about how an unknown assailant was stalking KJ for months and attacked him at the party. The assailant escaped and was on the run.

While the escape of the assailant infuriated fans, they were still hoping for their idol to recover. Prayer sermons were set up in different parts of the country while candle sigils were held by EXOTIC's fanclubs.

Mystic Entertainment fell into a chaos. Not only were they being targeted by the media as incompetents who failed to protect their idol, but their biggest moneymaking group was without its leader. Moreover, CEO Ahn was furious that Abyss would not say anything to them. He tried to meet the CEO of Abyss himself but he was stopped by Riggs.

"Just do as you're told," Riggs ordered him. "That is all."

"This is complete madness!" CEO Ahn screamed at his secretary, throwing the files away. "My biggest star has been shot, the company is facing losses and that darned Abyss won't even tell us what hell happened!"

"Sir, they are being very secretive," the secretary managed to compose himself. "Apparently, the culprit was caught but they won't hand him over to us." 

"What about the CCTV footage around the area?" 

"Abyss confiscated everything," the secretary informed him. 

Ahn was frustrated. What the hell was happening? 

"Sir, what about the concert?" the secretary asked. In all the mess, Ahn completely forgot about the scheduled concert in Japan. 

"Should we postpone it?" the secretary suggested. 

"Why the bloody hell should we do that?" Ahn fired up. "We're already losing money! If we postpone this concert, we'll lose millions more."

"Then what should we do?" 

Ahn sat there, thinking deeply. "Call Ash," he ordered. "Summon him here." 

"Understood sir," the secretary said. He bowed and took his leave. 

Ahn furrowed his eyebrows. He was at a loss. Even though he was the CEO of Mystic Entertainment, he was powerless against the Cartel and Abyss. He suspected that the Cartel was behind the attack. But he has a business to run and even if KJ was in a coma, EXOTIC on its own was also a big moneymaker for them.

Maybe he can turn it into a PR campaign: EXOTIC decides to honor their word to KJ and go ahead with the concert. Fans will get teary and support EXOTIC. This can work, Ahn thought. 


Ash was stunned at what he heard. He was at Mystic Entertainment, discussing with the CEO. 

"Are you insane?" he exclaimed. Ahn was surprised. The usually cool and composed Ash lost his temper. He never saw Ash angry before.

"We are not doing the concert without KJ!" Ash said furiously. "He is our leader and he is lying at a hospital wing. EXOTIC never performed without its leader nor will it ever do so. We've been a team for ten years. Not once in these ten years have we performed without a member. Every single one of us were present at all stages. And now you're asking us to perform without KJ? Impossible!"

"Ash, we are going to face millions of dollars in losses," Ahn reasoned. "KJ wouldn't want that! He knew fans paid exorbitant amount of money for this concert. It's too late to cancel! KJ would never let the fans down."

Ash sat there, unable to believe what he was hearing. Was money really more important? 

"I refuse to be a part of this," he announced. "Until KJ recovers, EXOTIC will not perform on that stage." 

No matter how much Ahn pleaded, Ash was adamant. He would not bend in front of such ridiculous demands. 


Mirae was at the hospital's VIP room. The room has been given the highest protection by Abyss. Her men were standing outside all day and night, on alert. Mirae herself was staying at the hospital by KJ's side. Ash and her were taking turns to look after him. 

It has been over a week and there was no improvement in KJ's condition. Even though his heart rate had stabilised, he was not responding at all. Mirae sometimes talked with him about random things. Sometimes it was about the weather, sometimes it was about the food. She hoped that he would reply with his snarky response. But he lay there like a stone, not talking back. 

"I really miss fighting with you," she admitted out loud. She stroked his cheek. "Wake up, will ya?" 


Mirae turned around to see Jade curling up near KJ's feet. The hospital did not allow pets but this cat was stubborn as hell. It arrived on its own at the hospital, biting and scratching anyone who would try to take it out of the room. Even Mirae's mighty security personnel were afraid of it. After a while, they let it stay near its owner. Like Mirae, the cat refused to leave as well. 

"Aren't you hungry?" she asked, ruffling it's fur. 


Mirae chuckled and brought out a container. She filled it up with cat food. Jade jumped out of the bed and began to slurp it all.

"Looks like your cat can't live without you," Mirae told KJ's still body.

The door opened. Mirae turned around to see Ash entering the room. He took a seat beside her.

"Any improvements?" Ash asked.

"No," Mirae replied sadly. "He's still unresponsive. His heart is fine but..."

Her voice trailed off. If KJ does not wake up within a month then there is a chance he may never wake up. 

"How come his family isn't here?" she inquired. "Shouldn't they be supporting him?"

"KJ... KJ has a complicated relationship with his family," Ash said. "After he became an idol, he cut them out completely. He doesn't have any contact with them. His father and mother passed away when he was young. His grandfather died when he was eighteen. The only people he has left are his elder sisters. They want nothing to do with him. They blame him for all the misery they've been through."

"What do you mean?"

"KJ was supposed to take over his family business," Ash replied. "But when he refused, his grandfather donated all the money to different charities. He didn't leave a single penny for his granddaughters. This left them penniless." 

"Why didn't he leave them anything?" Mirae frowned.

"They were greedy," he said simply. "They wanted the family business but have no idea how to run it. They despise KJ for his achievements. Whatever KJ has now is all his own. Even though he didn't take over the underworld business, he still runs it from the shadows whenever need arises. For you, he decided to gather his old allies against the Cartel."

Mirae glanced at the man lying on the bed. A rush of gratitude coarsed through her.

"He really is the Nation's Idol," Mirae sighed.

"He is," Ash agreed.

"Why did CEO Ahn call you?" Mirae suddenly asked.

Ash clenched his jaw. "He wants to continue our Japan Concert as per schedule. I refused."


"I can't leave my friend here like this!" Ash ran a hand through his hair. "He needs me. Concerts can wait."

Mirae let out a sigh. "Ash," she said. "Do you really think KJ would be happy if he knew that you abandoned the fans for him? I'm pretty sure he'd want you to continue the concert. If there is one thing EXOTIC is known for is their love and dedication towards their fans. KJ always made sure that you guys never miss a schedule even if it is for him. As his friend, you will help him more by performing on that stage. Not by wallowing in your grief here."

Ash stared at her in awe before letting out a chuckle. 

"What's so funny?" Mirae demanded.

"I just can't believe that I'm dating such an amazing woman," he smiled at her, caressing her cheek. She smiled back and held his hand.

"I know I'm amazing," she joked. "So now, you should listen to this amazing woman and go ahead with the concert. Talk to Jinhyun and Dasom. I'm sure they'll refuse as well but you need to convince them."

Ash sighed. She was right. KJ would not want them to abandon the concert for him.

"You won't be seeing me for a month, though," he said. "Will you be alright?"

She squeezed his hand. "I'll be fine," she assured him. "I'll take care of everything here. You should concentrate on your work."

"Alright, but on one condition."

"What's that?"

"My amazing girlfriend will go on a date with me after I return," he teased.

"I will," she promised. "But where?"

"That's a secret," he winked. "I'll call up Ahn and tell him that we're going."

He kissed her on the cheek and went outside to make the call. 

Mirae turned around to see the cat staring at her. It felt like it was... scrutinising her. As if it understood what they were saying.

Nonsense, Mirae scolded herself. Cats can't understand humans. It was probably a trick of her mind.

Nevertheless, something about the cat's eyes unsettled her. Strangely, the eyes looked like...hers?

Mirae shook her head. I must be going mad, she thought.

Jade, on the other hand, was observing her. He turned towards his friend who was lying out cold. 

KJ's spirit was disappearing, Jade thought. If he loses anymore spirit, he will die. There is no other way. I must use that move. 

Jade knew it was time to pull out the final card up his sleeve. It will be dangerous. Even Jade was not sure if it will work. But he must save KJ. Even if it cost him his own life.