Future Granddaughter-In-Law

"Failed?" Mirae questioned him. "Why?"

The old man sighed. "He failed to tell the truth," he replied sadly. "While you were supporting him, he refused to be truthful and stand up for himself. Hence, he failed."

Mirae looked at him curiously. Kwon Jinyoung, who was one of the most powerful man in the country, was wiping tears from his eyes in front of her. 

"So, you think he failed?" she asked him. "That's not fair!"

Kwon Jinyoung stared at the girl in surprise. Even though she was only eight, she was scolding him like a grown up. She was not afraid of him and was even boldly challenging him.

"Mirae, my child, he lied," Kwon Jinyoung said, feeling flabbergasted. 

"Does that make him wrong?" she shot back. "He was protecting his sister!"

Kwon Jinyoung did not correct her misconception. He knew his grandson very well. Jiwon lied to protect his stubborn pride. No matter how much abuse he went through, he would never utter a single word against his sisters. He was a prideful kid and loathed to seem weak in front of others. It was a trait he inherited from his father.

The old man smiled at Mirae. 

"My dear child," he said in a gentle tone. "A wrongdoer should always be punished. No matter who they are. I doesn't matter what Jiwon's reason may have been. He was wrong to protect his bully. In this case, it was his sister. But that was not the worst thing he did."

Mirae was confused. Her young mind could not comprehend the deep meaning behind the old man's words.

"Did he do something else?" she frowned.

"He framed you as a liar," Kwon Jinyoung explained. "It was his worst mistake. An innocent person was almost punished for another's mistake. That, my child, is wrong."

Mirae pouted. "I don't understand," she crossed her hands. "Grown ups are weird."

Kwon Jinyoung let out a hearty laugh. This child was too interesting. She was not scared of speaking her mind nor was she intimidated by the presence of such a powerful figure in front of her. 

"You will understand it someday, when you're my age," the old man said wisely.

"I don't wanna grow old!" she protested, sticking out her tongue. Kwon Jinyoung was amused by her antics.

"You will grow up someday," he winked. "And when you grow up to be a beautiful young lady, you will become my future granddaughter-in-law."

Mirae's cheeks puffed up. She did not understand what nonsense the old man was sprouting but it was too complicated for her to understand. 

"Now!" Kwon Jinyoung clapped his hands together. "Would you like to eat something? I will get my secretary to get you whatever you want."

Mirae there, deep in thought. "Bulgoggi!" she spoke out after a while. "Beef Bulgoggi."

Kwon Jinyoung buzzed in Secretary Lee. "Please come into my room," he ordered. "And also, ask President Jung to come as well."

"Yes sir," Secretary Lee answered through the intercom.

Within a few minutes, both the Secretary and the President entered his room and bowed.

"Sir, I hope Mirae was on her best behavior and did not behave rudely with you," President Jung said. His tone held a trace of worry.

"Not at all!" Kwon Jinyoung assured him. "In fact, she is a lively and honest girl. Keep it up and she may become my future granddaughter-in-law!"

President Jung's ears went red while Mirae exclaimed, "No way! I like brave men. That kid is not my type."

"Mirae," her father shot her a warning gaze. She pouted and mumbled an apology.

"That's alright," Kwon Jinyoung laughed. "Secretary Lee," he turned to the other man. "Please take the young lady to our canteen and have the chef prepare the most delicious Beef Bulgoggi for her."

"Yes sir," Secretary Lee obeyed. He held out a hand for the little girl. "Come on, Ms. Mirae."

Mirae got down the chair and held his hand. She turned back to bid the old man goodbye.

"Bye grandpa!" she waved at him.

"Farewell, my child," the old man smiled at her, waving back.

As soon as they were out, Kwon Jinyoung ushered President Jung to take a seat.

"Sir, I hope my daughter did not create any trouble for you," Jung Taewon said. "She is a very well behaved child and I assure you, she meant no harm yesterday. If she was mistaken, then I apologize on her behalf."

"Don't do that," Kwon Jinyoung said sharply. "She was not wrong. In fact, you should be proud for raising such a fine young lady. She has more guts than most men I know."

"Sir...you mean, whatever she said yesterday..." President Jung trailed off.

"Was true," the old man finished the sentence for him. "Every single word she spoke, was the truth."

An awkward silence lingered in the air. President Jung fidgeted nervously in his chair. He was worried for Director Kwon. The old man was not merely a powerful businessman but also a kingpin of the underworld. He wielded incredible amount of power there and all the gangs were afraid of him. His word was the law for them.

But now, the old man looked sad and broken.

"I could not protect him," Kwon Jinyoung said with a heavy heart. "My only grandson...I could not protect him from his evil sisters. I turned a blind eye to their deeds and as a result, Jiwon suffered. If it was someone else, I would have destroyed them myself. But these are my own granddaughters."

He looked up at Taewon. "How can I punish my own family?" the old man asked as if begging. 

"Sir..." Taewon was at a loss for words. Another silence hung in the air, only to be interrupted by the old man's occassional sniffs.

"How did you find out?" Taewon finally asked.

"I inspected Yura's shoes," Kwon Jinyoung revealed. "It was stained with mud. I also checked Jiwon's wounds while he slept last night. The patterns on his body matched Yura's shoes."

"Sir, Yura is still a child," Taewon reasoned. 

"She is fifteen!" Kwon Jinyoung slammed his hand on the table. "And his elder sister. Yeri is no different either! She never said a kind word to him. Even though she is off to college, I'm sure she also torments him whenever I am not around."

"So what will you do now?" Taewon asked quietly. 

The old man stood up and walked towards the window. 

"I think...it's time to start training Jiwon," he finally said. "To take over his legacy."