What Lies Ahead

"Jiwon, there's a Skype call for you," the receptionist informed him. Jiwon was sitting at the open lounge with Hyun Jung, Junhyung and Jumyeon, practicing his guitar with them.

"Alright," Jiwon said, putting his guitar aside. It was probably his grandfather. "I'll be back," Jiwon added to his friends. They shrugged and watched him go.

Jiwon walked into the reception centre and sat in front of one of the computers there. He positioned his microphone and turned on the camera. 

To his mild surprise, it was not his grandfather on the screen. It was the President of Hann Constructions, Jung Taewon.

"Hello?" he greeted uncertainly. He never directly spoke to President Jung but he was Grandpa Kwon's right hand man. Jiwon saw him accompany his grandfather on many occasions and even ran into him at their mansion.