First Night (2) **

They kissed fervously, smacking their lips together in a fit of hot and torrid frenzy. Her hand ran through his sturdy abs, stroking them softly. Jiwon felt a rush of adrenaline as he began trailing down, harshly biting her skin. Mirae groaned in pleasure under his ferocious attacks. 

Jiwon took her left breast in his mouth, grazing it with his teeth. For the first time in years, he truly released his emotions. All his feelings of grief and loss accumulated into this moment of fierce passion which he was unleashing on the girl lying beneath him. He ravished her, seduced her, uncontrollaby made her moan under his slow and intense torture. 

Mirae, too, let herself drown in his emotions. For the first time in her life, she was letting a man touch her body like this. But that time, she did not want to let go of him. Something in her was nudging her to go on and she let herself loose.