
Jiwon stared at Mirae's sleeping form. They had been living at the apartment for almost a year now. It was difficult living there without the comfort of his mansion, but there was no choice. He mostly did odd jobs and singing gigs at different events while Mirae was a freelancing technician for different restaurants. Even though they had some income, it was difficult to scrape by.

The lack of money and basic necessities also soured Jiwon's mood. He returned late every night, tired and exhausted. He tried applying for a regular job but firms would not take a high school graduate. Mirae had suggested him to apply to college instead, but Jiwon shot down the idea. It was too expensive.

Living in these conditions made Jiwon realize how much he depended on his grandfather's money. First at the mansion then at the school, he never lacked any comfort and luxury. He thought he would be able to get the same comforts after becoming an idol but that dream was far fetched now.