Old Friends, New Relations

Mirae rushed into her apartment and turned on her computer. She did not notice any of her pesky guards on her way home; no doubt they were out on the streets, looking for her. As soon as the screen came to life, she opened up her most advanced software. She developed this to aid one of her clients in finding a lost relative who owed her a lot of money.

It was a carefully designed software which was able to locate people and find their information using only their photos. Even if the person had plastic surgery, the software could detect if a person had ever visited any skincare clinic as well. In fact, it was programmed to find out all the locations a person had ever visited using only their pictures.

She put in the screenshot of the grey haired man into the software and ran an analysis for it. Even though the picture was hazy, Mirae was able to take a split second screenshot which showed the grey haired man's facial highlights clearly.