Filling in the Gaps

"Good riddance," Dasom said in relief. "Her fake attitude was annoying me."

"She does go overboard," Jinhyun sighed. He turned back to KJ. "So what did you want to ask us?"

"Fill me in with what's been happening," KJ demanded. "I've been asking but no one is willing to tell me anything. Even the CEO of Abyss remained mum."

The other three looked at each other, uncertain of what to say. Finally, Ash decided that it was no use hiding anything. He would find out anyway.

"While you were in a coma," Ash began. "Someone from the Cartel tried to kill you again. If it wasn't for the CEO's timely arrival, you'd have been dead."

"What else happened?" KJ pressed on. 

"At EXOTIC's concert, someone cut off a large flashlight which almost fell on us," Ash continued. 

KJ frowned. "Could have been an anti-fan or hater," KJ reasoned. "Crazy people do this a lot."

"That's what we thought until…" Ash trailed off.

"Until what?"