No More Secrets

"Ugh!" KJ groaned in annoyance as he tried to take a step forward. He was holding the bed's railing for support while trying to flex his muscles. The pain was lessening but it was still difficult to walk. He yearned to be back on his feet and the walking sticks were beginning to annoy him.

He clumsily tried to lift his leg and take another step but he lost his balance. Stumbling forward, KJ closed his eyes, expecting to fall flat on his face but someone grabbed him.

"Careful!" a familiar voice exclaimed. Startled, he looked up to see Mirae. She was wearing her mask but her eyes were recognizable. She helped him stand steady and led him towards the bed.

"Thanks," KJ mumbled as he sat down.

"Why are you doing all this by yourself?" she frowned. "Where are the physicians? They're supposed to monitor your exercises."

"I was frustrated laying in bed all day," he replied. "I wanna go out. I wanna walk, I wanna run, I wanna dance!"