Hann Construction (VIII): Protective Instincts*

Ash was wrapping up his shoot. He had been shooting for three days straight and he was tired as hell. The afternoon sun was scorching and he was desperate to go home and take a long nap.

He went over to his vanity room and took out his phone. Switching it on, he saw several missed calls and messages. Some were from Mirae, asking him how his shooting was going while KJ also sent him a few texts, inquiring if they could meet up after he was done. He first messaged KJ that they could meet up the next day. Then he texted Mirae that his shooting had wrapped up and he will head over to her place to rest.

He then moved his attention to the other text he had received. It was from a representative of Hann Constructions, Jeon Soojin.

Clicking on the number, he dialed the caller. The person picked up on the third dial.

"Hello, Mr. Ash," Jeon Soojin greeted. "I am Jeon Soojin from the PR department of Hann Constructions."

"How may I help you?" Ash asked.