Hann Constructions (X): The Pendrive

"And that is how we're gonna break in!" Mirae exclaimed happily, shutting down the laptop. She looked up to see KJ and Ash giving her incredulous looks.

"What's wrong?" she frowned.

"That...might actually work," KJ said slowly.

"You're a genius," Ash agreed, still gaping at her.

"You guys don't give me enough credit," Mirae pouted, crossing her arms. "After all, I did create Abyss."

KJ shook his head in disbelief. She was right; they had underestimated her a lot. For over two hours, she explained them the ingenious plan she worked on for the past couple of days. If everything goes alright, they might actually be able to break into Hann Constructions without much risk. 

"I'll still have to be inside the building for this to work," Mirae explained. "So someone will need to keep a lookout."

"Ash will be at the meeting though," KJ pointed out. "Who will cover for you?"