Hann Constructions (XIV): D-Day Part Three

Mirae chose to take the stairs instead of the elevator to avoid detection by others. She ran up the emergency staircase all the way to the eighth floor. It was tedious but she her training included walking up and down the stairs everyday, so she was not tired by the time she reached the eighth floor.

Putting on a pair of glasses and a blonde wig she had in her handbag, she put her head down. The employees were too busy to notice the stranger walking by. Mirae was striding towards Chairman Kwon's old office when a familiar figure showed up in front of her.

Immediately, she slid behind a water filter, pretending to pick up a cup. Secretary Lee was talking to another employee and did not notice her. He passed by, his concentration on the file in front of him.

"So you see, you'll have to arrange a bigger discount," he was saying to the employee who was with him. "And make sure they agree."