Hann Constructions (XVI): D-Day Part Five

Mirae was shocked. KJ was so sure of the computer holding some evidence…

"It was destroyed in a fire?" she questioned. For some reason it was hard to believe that it was a mere accident.

Secretary Lee nodded. "We don't know how it happened, but a few years ago, we saw smoke coming out of the room. It was late at night and the security guard alerted the fire department. Thankfully, they arrived on time and the fire was doused but…"

"But what?"

"But when we opened the door, we found a dead body inside," Secretary Lee went on. "Till today, we do not know who it was. The body was so badly burnt that all dental records and fingerprints were destroyed. We even ran DNA tests but it did not seem to match any records."

"You have no idea who it was?" Mirae frowned. "Did you check the CCTV?"