EXOTIC (II): Believing

Jinhyun gave him a small smile before looking around the place, reminiscing about the old days. "This place didn't change at all," he commented. "You remember here?"

He pointed at a corner of the living area. "You and I used to sleep in that corner. We were so poor that we had to share one quilt…"

Ash did not say anything but simply glanced at the place Jinhyun was pointing at. 

"Do you remember when Dasom was graduating middle school?" Jinhyun went on with a wide smile. "We couldn't afford new clothes for him at that time. So we sneaked out some clothes from that designer store I was working as a part timer. He was so happy seeing those clothes. I still have the picture…"

He turned to look at Ash. "You remember when KJ fell deathly ill and the hospitals were closed due to heavy rain? It was chaotic here. We had to keep the windows shut tight so that the rainwater would not flood our house. But KJ was coughing so badly. He could not sleep all night."