
KJ was tapping his foot impatiently. The lyrics made no sense to him and he crumpled up the paper. 

He was frustrated to come up with proper lyrics for his comeback song but somehow ideas evaded him. Ever since he came out of his coma, he could not string together proper words. Thankfully, he regained full control of his muscles and was able to dance again but songs… What song will he write? 

"Tough time?" Dami asked, sitting next to him. She held out a can of soda for him. 

"Thanks," he muttered, taking it. 

"What happened, KJ?" she asked. "You look worried." 

"I can't come up with lyrics," he admitted. "Whatever I write, I just can't feel passionate about it." 

"This seems fine though," Dami frowned as she read off one of the numerous crumpled papers on the floor. "The heart you broke will never heal… Why is everything so bleak…" 

"Cheesy," KJ muttered. "Doesn't go with my image."