Rescue (1): The Missing Piece

Hyun Jung was studying the pictures in front of him. The spy planted in Ziko's gang had sent him the photographs of the location Ziko was seen at. It looked like somewhere outside of Seoul. 


He looked up to see Eli. They were at the police precinct, in between their duties. 

"Weren't you supposed to guard Dasom?" he asked in surprise. 

"I was asked to change shifts with Officer Choi," she replied, sitting next to him. "His wife is about to give birth so he asked me as a favor. But what are you looking at?" 

Hyun Jung looked around before handing her the picture. Eli studied it. 

"That's Ziko," he said, pointing at the grey haired man. "He was last seen at this building outside Seoul. It seems like he frequents that building a lot." 

But Eli frowned. "This place…" she began. She lowered her tone. "I know this place!" 

Hyun Jung straightened up at those words. "You do?" he asked in astonishment. "How?"