Angry Kitten

KJ woke up the next day to find himself entangled by a pair of hands and feet. Something soft was leaning against his back. 

He frowned as he glanced back. Mirae was drooling on his back as she slept like a log. After their little tryst last night, she had put up extra pillows in between them, creating a wall. But it could not withstand her kicks and she rolled over to his side, using him as a comfortable pillow instead. 

He smiled thinking back to last night. Despite Soo Bin's revelations and Ziko's death, last night was a big step in his relationship with Mirae. For the first time in many years, he could see a ray of hope. 

She unconsciously moved her leg. It was hanging dangerously on his little friend. He could feel it stiffening up at her touch. 

"How can she sleep so peacefully?" he wondered in dismay. "Oh well."