
Eli was at the precinct, organizing her criminal files when one of the junior officers approached her. 

"Detective Lee," he said. "A deliveryman dropped this off for you." 

She looked up to see the officer carrying a large package. Who could send me a delivery? She frowned. 

"Thank you, Officer," she replied, taking the package. It felt light and was wrapped with a very expensive silky paper. 

She found a note on it. 

"To Detective Lee Eli, 

For tonight :)" 

Oh no. Even though there was no name signed, she knew who sent the parcel. Eli did not want to open this in front of everyone but it was too late. Suji had already seen the junior officer handing over the parcel to Eli. 

"Eli!" she exclaimed. "What's this?" 

She pointed at the package. Eli quickly crumbled the note and put it in her bag. "Nothing," she replied hastily. "I ordered something online and it has arrived. Finally."