Masquerade (4): The Shadowy Presence

KJ led Mirae away from the crowd. He led her to a balcony and made her sit on a bench. 

"Are you alright?" he asked for the umpteenth time. No matter how many times Mirae assured him, he still could not feel relaxed. Ash had taken advantage of his momentary absence and came near Mirae. He could not help but beat himself up over it. 

"I'm fine," she snickered. KJ threw her a dirty look but she could not stop her laughter. He was being so cute with his constant worry. His usually cold face was replaced with a comical panic. 

"I led an entire rescue operation," she reminded him. "I think I can handle a psycho ex pretty well." 

KJ was still looking worried, so she lightly patted his cheek, "The Cartel can't hurt any of us. Even if they know our faces, they can't directly attack us anymore. We're out in front of the public eye. It's the only reason he could not attack you all these years."