Comeback (4): The Announcement

"She what?" Somi frowned. A press conference? What was she planning? 

KJ was also wondering on the same page as Somi. What was going on in Mirae's mind. 

"I want to meet her!" he spoke up. "Now!" 

"She refused to meet anyone," Shelley said, shaking her head. "Her personal secretary relayed the message to us." 

"Did he say anything else?" KJ asked. 

"No," Shelley replied. "He left after that."

"Make the preparations then," Somi instructed. "We'll hold it tomorrow at eight o'clock." 

Shelley bowed and left the room. KJ sat down again, burying his head into his hands. "We were just getting to develop our relationship," he moaned. His heart was in pain. He could not believe he had hurt her again. He wanted to curse himself but no matter what he did, everything backfired. 

"KJ just focus on preparing your statement for tomorrow," Somi sighed. "What's done is done. We need to face the press tomorrow. So brace yourself."