Comeback (9): Seizing the Moment

KJ was woken up by the alarm. It was 7 am and he was still sleepy. He had returned home at around 3 am after the promotional activities for his new album. Moreover, he had to head out for an out of town shoot for the day. 

He glanced towards Mirae's side. It was empty. Sighing heavily, he got off the bed to freshen up. He picked out his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. 

Half an hour later, he went downstairs, to find Mirae having breakfast. She was absorbed in reading her emails and did not notice his presence. He had the urge to go up to her and hug her but remembering her last words, he fought down the urge. Instead, he quietly grabbed a protein bar from the fridge and headed out of the house. 

KJ's bodyguards were waiting for him and to his surprise, Hyun Jung was waiting by the car as well. They had not been able to meet up for the past month due to KJ's jam packed schedule. So he was pleased to see Hyun Jung that morning.